Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy

Glycerin suppositories, often used in pregnancy, refer to laxatives and are used in the development of constipation in women in the situation. It's no secret that many women, being pregnant, face such a problem. Let's take a closer look at this drug and try to answer the question as to whether all pregnant women can use glycerin suppositories, and how to do it correctly.

What are glycerin suppositories?

Before you figure out whether you can apply glycerin candles during pregnancy, you need to say a few words about what kind of drug it is.

The drug does not include any components, the use of which is prohibited by women in the situation. The action of the candles is based on the fact that the components of the drug lead to irritation of the rectal mucosa. As a result, in the form of a response, there is an increase in intestinal motility, which only contributes to a better advancement of fecal masses. In addition, glycerine in itself promotes their softening and separation. Therefore, constipation is literally after the first use.

Can glycerin suppositories be prescribed for pregnant women?

  1. According to the instructions to glycerin suppositories, their use in pregnancy is allowed only under medical supervision. The danger of this drug is not in its composition, but directly in the action that it has on the pregnant woman's body.
  2. The relaxing effect of this medication can extend to uterine musculature. That is why glycerin suppositories in the early stages of pregnancy can not be used. this can lead to the development of miscarriage.
  3. The prohibition of the use of this drug also extends to later periods, in particular the interval of 30-32 weeks.

How is it necessary to correctly use glycerin suppositories during pregnancy?

Glycerin suppositories during pregnancy should be used only after consultation with the observing physician.

As for the dosage, usually 1 candle (suppository) is prescribed per day, which is best used in the morning hours, about 30 minutes after breakfast. After keeping the suppository in the rectum, it takes some time to remain in a horizontal position.

It should be noted that glycerin suppositories during pregnancy can be used to get rid of constipation as an emergency aid, i.e. long-term use of the drug is unacceptable. Otherwise, the development of addiction is possible and the pregnant woman will not be able to defecate on her own without this medication.

In what situations is it unacceptable to use glycerin suppositories during pregnancy?

Talking about how glycerin candles work during pregnancy and about the features of use, it should be noted that there are contraindications to their use. To such it is possible to carry:

If there is any of the above contraindications, do not take the drug. In such situations, you can try to solve the problem naturally.

So, for example, you need to revise the diet. First of all, the pregnant woman needs to increase the amount of dairy products and fiber in it. The latter is abundant in fruits and vegetables. It is also necessary to monitor physical activity and try to move more, do gymnastics for pregnant women in the morning. All these features will only contribute to the normalization of the stool and prevent the occurrence of constipation in the future.