Than to treat a migraine at pregnancy?

Pregnant women have headaches, and some expectant mothers are very frequent. As a rule, this organism reacts to changes occurring in it.

In the article we will find out how to get rid of migraines during pregnancy.

It is necessary to establish the cause of the pain. If a woman is regular, then you should consult a neurologist. The causes of migraine may be several:

After the cause of migraine is established, it is necessary to continue to follow the recommendations of the doctor. The basic rule that the expectant mother should remember is that you can not take migraine tablets alone during pregnancy.

Doctors, as a rule, offer future mothers at early and even late terms, in minimum doses of acetaminophen. Panadol, Efferalgan and Paracetamol will help relieve the headache. The main thing is that they are safe for the woman and the fetus. For the treatment of migraine in pregnant women a good effect is provided by drugs containing magnesium. They perfectly affect the vessels and are harmless for expectant mothers.

Folk remedies for migraine during pregnancy

So, if you are concerned about headaches, you need to see a doctor. But you can help yourself first. Consider folk methods of treating migraine during pregnancy.

Good sweet strong tea helps, if, of course, you do not have diabetes. It is not recommended to take this drink in the early stages. Effective is a compress made from cabbage leaf. He must be tied tightly to his head with a woolen scarf. To the sore spots, you can attach half a raw cut onion or potato (cut to the skin). It is known that the cold dilates the blood vessels, so to remove migraines help compress from ice bags, applied to the sore spot, as well as washing with cool water. Another good remedy for migraine during pregnancy is rubbing temples with lavender water, inhaling felid balm or citrus.

If you have a propensity for a headache, it is better to warn it. Consider what to do to prevent migraine during pregnancy.

It is important to observe the normal regime of the day:

If possible, you can visit the masseur. Relaxing massage of the head and neck removes migraines and prevents its appearance.

So, we found out what it is possible to treat a migraine during pregnancy. Of course, the future mother chooses ways to get rid of pain herself, but if they are systematic, then certainly consult a doctor.