Contraindications in pregnancy

The threat of termination of pregnancy and miscarriage in the early stages is especially great. During this period, the embryo only attaches to the wall of the uterus, so any infection, treatment with medicines and folk remedies, excessive physical exertion can easily lead to miscarriage.

So, for example, contraindications for sex during pregnancy in early terms may be the following factors:

Features of use of medicinal herbs

Many women in the situation replace medicines with folk remedies, being sure that "useful, natural herbs" simply can not be dangerous. And in vain, since many of the plants are contraindicated in pregnancy, others must be taken with extreme caution, strictly observing the dosage, and the use of certain species and speech can not be.

So, for example, it would seem, at first glance, harmless chamomile during pregnancy has a number of contraindications. If you use a plant for external use, then there is nothing to be afraid of, but with broths you should be more careful. Excessive use of herbal teas based on chamomile can lead to the tone of the uterus and premature birth.

Contraindications during pregnancy also apply to the use of mint, in particular essential oil. The fact is that the plant lowers the tone of blood vessels, which is dangerous for varicose enlargement, causes uterine contractions, and peppermint oil can cause an allergic reaction.

Contraindication for the use of lemon balm in pregnancy can be low blood pressure and individual intolerance. Some experts say that the plant changes the level of sex hormones, violating the hormonal background, which in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to miscarriage.

But sea-buckthorn, for example, contraindications in pregnancy, almost does not. Consider only the possible allergic reaction and increased acidity of the stomach.

Herbs that are contraindicated in pregnancy: carnations, nails, nymph, St. John's wort, marigold, nettle, coltsfoot, wormwood, rhubarb, pine, kidney, sap, yarrow. This is not a complete list of what is contraindicated in pregnancy. Remember that the herbs that you used before pregnancy can now lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, you should always know for sure - whether it is possible to use anything, being in an interesting situation.

Medications prohibited during pregnancy

During pregnancy, almost all antibiotics, quinine preparations, antineoplastic agents, hormonal drugs, anticoagulants, inhibitors, tranquilizers, and some anticonvulsants are banned.

It is better, of course, to refuse to take any medications, and in case of emergency it is deliberately "to weigh" all the risks. So, for example, such medications as Mezim and Mucaltin have no special contraindications during pregnancy prescribed in the instructions, but, like all other medicines, their use must be agreed with the attending physician.

Physiotherapy in pregnancy - contraindications

Contraindications for massage, visiting the chamber and the pool during pregnancy are almost identical: infection, toxicosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases, high blood pressure, epilepsy, skin rashes, pain, spotting. Also, refuse from sessions in the pressure chamber if Eustachian tubes are obstructed or elevated temperature.