
In the south of Saudi Arabia, near the settlement of Abha is the National Park of Asir (Aseer National Park). He was built by the order of King Khalid, who wanted to preserve the animal and plant world of the country in its original form. The unique ecological zone is controlled by state structures.

Description of the National Park

In the south of Saudi Arabia, near the settlement of Abha is the National Park of Asir (Aseer National Park). He was built by the order of King Khalid, who wanted to preserve the animal and plant world of the country in its original form. The unique ecological zone is controlled by state structures.

Description of the National Park

The government of Saudi Arabia has long made attempts to preserve this wild corner of the country, so the landscapes here remain the same as they were created by nature . Also important role played by the remoteness of Asir from developed cities. The reserve zone began to be actively investigated in 1979, after the scientists thoroughly studied the landscape of the region, its flora and fauna.

Officially, the Asir National Park was opened in 1980. Its territory covers an area of ​​more than 1 million hectares. It is surrounded by picturesque canyons and hills, majestic cliffs and mountain ranges that are covered with dense forests. Here is the highest point of Saudi Arabia - Jebel Saud.

In winter, the mountain ranges are covered with sweeping fogs. With the advent of spring heat and rain, the park area is covered with a wonderful carpet of various wild flowers. They not only form a fascinating landscape, but also produce a stunning fragrance.

What to see in Asira?

The reserve zone in its size, ecological significance, archaeological interest and beauty can compete with the most famous national parks of the planet. This is one of the few wildlife places in the country not spoiled by man. The main attractions of Asira are:

  1. Juniper groves. They have a healing effect and a pleasant aroma. In the olden days, the aborigines settled here for the night and bred domestic animals.
  2. Apricot garden. It is especially beautiful in spring during flowering.
  3. Reservoirs. It is a refined area that has preserved its natural landscape.
  4. Traces of the Neolithic. In the National Park of Asher you can see the remains of ancient settlements. Their age exceeds 4000 years.
  5. Oasis al-Dalagan - This is a green and picturesque place, surrounded by high mountain slopes. Here there are small ponds and picturesque lakes.

Flora and fauna of the national park

On the stony mountain slopes of Asira there are such wild animals as wolves, red-haired foxes, rabbits (damans), monkeys and even leopards. From rare mammals in the National Park you can see the Nubian mountain goat and the oryx (oryx).

More than 300 species of birds also live here, for example, a beetle, a dwarf nectary, an Abyssinian weaver, an Indian gray current, a hawk, etc. Their singing is distributed throughout the park. They found refuge in Asira and endangered birds: bearded and griffovye.

Features of visit

In the protected area in the shadow of relic plants, 225 campsites have been built. On the one hand they are protected by rocks, on the other - trees and ponds. They have grill areas and barbecue, parking for cars, play areas, equipped with central water supply and toilets. Anyone can stop here.

Tourist routes are laid along the territory of Asira, which lead to the most interesting places of the national park. All the paths are equipped with information stands and signs, and you can walk on them on foot, camels or jeeps.

How to get there?

From the village of Abha to Asira, you can go with an organized excursion or by car on the road number 213 / King Abdul Aziz Rd or King Faisal Rd. The distance is about 10 km.