Pyriv - how to get rid?

One of the often encountered and difficultly harvested weeds in the garden is wheat grass. Many gardeners have struggled with him for years and do not know how to remove grass from the garden. In this article we will consider various ways how to deal with the couch potato.

What does the creeping weed look like?

The creeping pea is a perennial herbaceous plant of the family of cereals, it can reach a height of 50 to 120 cm, having a very long creeping and knotty rhizome that penetrates into the soil to a depth of 1 m. It can be recognized by erect, smooth, undressed, with small flat leaves of green or bluish-green color of the stem, on the end of which there is an ear containing up to ten thousand seeds that retain the germination capacity of 12 years. Its flowering begins in the beginning - the middle of summer, after which fruits ripen. Propagated by seeds and rhizome, shoots can give even pieces of root length of 5 cm, so the problem of how to get rid of wheatgrass is always relevant. Very fond of moisture and grows well during the rainy season, and during drought gives weak vegetation or completely dies out.

Methods to combat stamping in the garden

These methods relate to agro-technical measures of extermination.

  1. When digging the soil, it is good to choose the roots without leaving even small pieces, for greater efficiency it is necessary to clean the earth in parts. To protect the already cleaned areas, the edge of the garden with the grass can be sprinkled with vinegar.
  2. After cleaning the soil, to reduce the viability of the remaining rhizomes, you should plant corn, zucchini, alfalfa, oats, winter rye, vetch with oats, peas with oats, buckwheat, increasing the sowing rate by 10-15%. The roots of oats perfectly kill the roots of the weed, so you can dig the ground with an unselected forage for half a shovel of a shovel and, making a furrow across the furrow, plant an oats. So do all the famous dahlias , planting a few dahlia bushes and part of the site clean without your intervention.
  3. Use cardboard: do not dig, cover a part of the plot with a grass in spring, pour a small layer of earth on top and plant there plants with a small root system, for example, greens. Because of the lack of light, the roots of the wheat grass rot themselves in the ground.
  4. Cut green weed weed flattened Fokine or any other polonaire at a depth of no more than 2 cm, without damaging the rhizomes. This should be done every 5-6 days, then the roots do not receive food and die.
  5. Use soil compaction (do not dig it), the roots in this case do not have enough air and the wheat grass disappears on their own.

Herbicide against cattail grass

In the fight against this weed after all, you must first apply all of the above methods how to get rid of wheat grass and only if they do not help prevent it from appearing in your garden, then you can start using herbicides of continuous action. Glyphosate-containing preparations: Glyphosate, Glyphos, Roundup, Glysol, Hurricane Forte, Tornado, etc. are the most effective for the grass. The most favorable period for the effective use of herbicides is the time from the beginning of tillering to the weeding of the weed when it is growing intensively. But, according to scientists, such drugs should not be used more than once in 3 years.

Principle of action of preparations:

In the soil, drugs quickly lose their activity, and then decompose into harmless natural substances.