Ice cream - calories

Since ancient times, people know ice cream, which was also called "Chinese sherbet", and the fact that its calorific value has always been high. The whole secret of the rich taste of this delicacy lies in the fat content of the cream or milk, which was used to make it. And, at the same time, the most delicious ice cream was always the most caloric.

Caloric content of different types of ice cream

Depending on the type of ice cream, its caloric content may differ significantly. Initially, only natural fatty cream participated in its manufacture, but now, in order to reduce the cost of production, many manufacturers add vegetable fats to the composition. As a rule, the taste of the product suffers from this.

So, calories in ice cream:

Any ice cream contains a large amount of fats: 15% in the fillings, 8% in creamy ones. Milk ice cream, which is not very popular, has about 3% of fat. However, not only fats adversely affect the female figure - in ice cream contains many simple sugars, which quickly affect the waist, abdomen and hips (in the form of fat deposits).

Ice cream during a diet

Of course, eating ice cream or cream ice cream during a diet means throwing yourself back a step. The caloric content of one serving equals the caloric value of a diet dinner, and in fact ice cream will not allow you to get enough for the next 3-4 hours.

If you still want to not deprive yourself of this delicacy, but at the same time successfully lose weight, you can make home fruit ice cream, which can be used in small quantities as a dessert, and at the same time - without harm to the figure.

Domestic sorbet sorbet



In the blender, grind the berry, mix with sugar and water until completely dissolved. Try the option without sugar at all - you might like it. Next, pour the ice cream into a container and put it in the freezer. Stir every hour for the first few hours, and then just leave it in the freezer until it is completely solidified (overnight).

Homemade ice cream with berries and cream



In a blender, grind the berries, mix with sugar until completely dissolved. Add the cream, mix. Pour the ice cream into a container and put it in the freezer. Stir every hour for the first few hours, and then just leave it in the freezer until it is completely solidified (overnight).

Apricot sorbet



In a blender, grind apricots, then add water and liquor. Next, pour the ice cream into a container and put it in the freezer. Stir every hour for the first few hours, and then leave in the freezer until it freezes.

Fruit ice from oranges



In the blender, chop the peeled oranges , add the juice, mix. Pour ice cream over the containers and put in the freezer for 6-8 hours. The more sweet the oranges are, the more pleasant the finished product will be.

By analogy with these recipes, you can prepare a light fruit delicacy from other fruits and berries. Such desserts can be eaten by one 100 grams a day, preferably as a snack.