Cake with poppy seeds

Mac - an interesting addition to baking, which many, recently, began to forget. Familiar poppy pies can be given an original taste, while adhering to classic recipes.

The recipe for a biscuit pie with poppy seeds



In the saucepan, bring to a boil 1/2 cup of water. We fall asleep in boiling water poppy, we remove the container from the fire and cover it with a lid. Leave the poppy for an hour. Whisk swollen poppy seeds with a blender.

Oven warm up to 180 degrees. We sift the flour and mix it with a baking powder and a pinch of salt. In another bowl, beat the butter and sugar until white (about 3 minutes). Add the poppy seeds to the oil mixture and begin to drive one egg at a time, until the kneading is complete. Now it remains to add the vanilla extract, and you can pour in the flour.

We pour biscuit dough into a greased form and put in the oven for 45 minutes. Ready biscuit should cool for 1.5 hours before serving.

To make a pie with a poppy it is possible and in a multivark, for this purpose use a mode "Baking" and time of 50-55 minutes.

Pie on kefir with poppy seeds



Shake the butter and sugar for 2 minutes. We add eggs to the oil one at a time, then pour the poppy seeds and the lemon zest.

Flour sifted with soda and powder for baking, add a glass of dry mixture to the oil, alternating it with portions of homemade kefir . Divide the dough between 3 forms for cupcakes and put in a preheated to 180 degree oven for 35 minutes.

A pie with poppy seeds without yeast is served just barely warm with a spoonful of vanilla ice cream.

Layered pie with poppy seeds



Honey is heated together with milk, add cinnamon, poppy seeds, crushed dates and walnuts to the mixture. Cook the filling on medium heat, stirring constantly until thick.

The dough is rolled into a thin rectangular layer. We put the filling into the center of the rectangle, and cut the edges into strips. We overlap the strips on each other, thereby covering the top of the pie. Lubricate the pie with the beaten egg and put it in a preheated oven to 190 degrees until it is ready.

Pie with cottage cheese and poppy seeds



For the dough, sift flour with baking powder, add 125 g of sugar, 125 g of butter, 1 egg, vanilla extract and a couple of tablespoons of water. We collect the dough into a bowl, wrap it with film and put it in the refrigerator.

Mix the milk and 125 g of oil, put the mixture on fire. Stirring milk, add semolina and poppy seeds to it, give the mixture to boil for 20 minutes, and then cool for another 10 minutes.

Now we connect 175 g of sugar with vanilla, cottage cheese, 2 eggs, raisins and chopped almonds, as well as cottage cheese. Mix everything with semolina and poppy seeds, add the grated pear and cool the stuffing.

We roll the dough, distribute it in the form and spread it over the finished stuffing. We bake a curd cake with poppy seeds for an hour, in an oven, heated to 180 degrees.