Slimming baths for seniors

Each girl seriously decided to lose weight, will attract a variety of supportive methods to her difficult mission. Proper nutrition and sports, eventually, will help you to easily approach your goal, but you can also use third-party tools to speed up the result. For example, use an accessible method such as a soda bath for weight loss.

Are soda baths useful for slimming?

Earlier, when there was no means for washing dishes, women washed the dishes with ordinary baking soda. How does this relate to the bathrooms? It's very simple: soda has the property of preventing fat absorption. When you lie in such a bathroom, the pores of your body open, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, excess fluid is removed and as a result, the weight loss effect increases.

Why are soda baths useful?

It's no secret that a bath can be taken with a variety of fillers. However, simple baking soda, available and known, has a number of advantages:

  1. Good effect on the lymphatic system due to the cleansing effect.
  2. Normalization of metabolic processes, which is especially important for various kinds of poisoning and irradiation with radiation.
  3. Effective soda bath from cellulite, thanks to the ability of soda to clean the deep layers of the skin. If you add 5 more drops of any citrus oil to this bath, the effect will be very bright, especially in the early stages.
  4. Improved skin health due to a strong cleansing effect. Soda bath removes irritation, allergic reactions, is effective even with seborrhea, dry eczema , dermatitis, fungal skin lesions. Excellent effect gives baths for flabby, dry skin and skin elbows and heels.
  5. The soothing effect of such baths is so strong that they are prescribed for the treatment of stress and are recommended to be taken after a hard working day.
  6. If you have problems with the veins on your legs, then such a bathroom is a must for you!

Many people are wondering if soda baths really help to change the weight. It is worth noting that without sports or a diet (and best of all - their juxtaposition), it's difficult to achieve a good result with one bathroom. Remove from the diet fatty, sweet and flour - and in combination with the baths, you will achieve a positive result much sooner.

Soda baths for weight loss: how to apply?

It is recommended to take soda baths in a course of 10 procedures every other day. Each procedure for a duration of only 20-25 minutes. The most effective baths are taken at bedtime and after a half hour walk in the fresh air.

The bath should be recruited half and the water in it - exactly body temperature - 36-37 degrees Celsius. At this amount of water you need about half a pint of soda. It should be previously dissolved in a small amount of hot water. Pour the solution into the bath, mix it and it's ready!

In the bathroom you need to sink on the teat line, leaving the upper part of the chest outside. Back and arms can be additionally poured with water from the bath during the procedure.

When the body gets used to the water, add a little hot water, raising the temperature to 38-39 degrees. Ideally, if you have a thermometer for measuring the water temperature, but you can focus on your feelings. You can not lie in too hot water - this is a heavy burden on the heart. But the water should not be cool - in this case the result will be weakly expressed.

After the procedure, do not take a shower, and immediately wipe dry, lie down under a warm blanket and rest for at least an hour. You can repeat the course not earlier than 2 months, counting from the end of the last procedure of the previous course. However, in combination with proper nutrition, the soda baths result only after the first course.