Gases in the belly

For sure, every person faced with unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, caused by the accumulation of gases - flatulence. This is due to the fact that the intestine accumulates inhaled air, formed during digestion, carbon dioxide and other gaseous substances that are either secreted by intestinal bacteria or are the final products of food splitting.

Causes of flatulence

One of the frequent causes of the formation of gases in the abdomen is aerophagia - the ingestion of air during inhalation, which occurs involuntarily. Aerophagia can be intensified by smoking, using chewing gum, with hysterical conditions, excessive salivation, irritable bowel syndrome. The huge influence on gas formation is provided by the food used.

Products that promote the occurrence of strong gases in the stomach:

Is soluble dietary fiber harmful or beneficial?

Inflammation can provoke soluble dietary fiber (pectins). They are rich in vegetables and fruits, especially apples, pears, quinces, apricots, black currants, turnips, pumpkins, carrots. Pectins, dissolving, turn into colloidal solutions, and, reaching the large intestine, split in it, releasing gas. Therefore, after eating a large number of apples or apricots, do not be surprised at the bubbling of gas in the stomach. However, it is impossible to completely abandon these products. The use of pectin fibers for the intestine and the body as a whole is proved. Dietary fibers envelop the intestinal mucosa, promoting the healing of ulcers and cracks, neutralize and remove from the body salts of heavy metals. This is important in modern environmental conditions. The protective effect of pectins on radiation was revealed.

Overpopulation of the small intestine by microflora

Bacteria that inhabit the intestine take an active part in the splitting of food. They are absolutely necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract. In some conditions, too many microorganisms become, and they begin to break down not only the food, but also part of the gut layer. At the same time, gases are released that can agonize pain in the abdomen. Excess amount of gases and bloating sometimes arise as a result of intestinal obstruction and in the initial stages of peritonitis. These cases require emergency hospitalization. The treatment will be directed not at reducing the gases in the abdomen, but at eliminating the cause of the obstruction.


Excessive formation and accumulation of gases in the abdomen during pregnancy is a common thing. Their reasons may be:

Treatment of a pregnant woman who is troubled by gas in the stomach should be handled by a doctor. He will conduct the necessary examinations, determine the cause and, if necessary, prescribe a medicine for the mother and child that is harmless to the stomach in the stomach and recommend to the future mother how to eat and what way of life to lead.

Treatment of gases in the stomach

In order to get rid of flatulence, you need to eliminate the causes that cause it, correct the diet, restore bowel function, and treat associated diseases.

An ambulance from the gases in the abdomen is a gas pipe. To normalize the peristalsis of the intestine, you can use herbal preparations: infusions of cumin, fennel, dill. Spasms, severe pain and nausea help remove the cerucal. When enzyme deficiency is prescribed mezim, festal, panzinorm. Of adsorbents absorbing gases in the intestine, enterosgel and polyphepan have proved to be very useful. You can use regular activated charcoal. The latest pharmaceutical developments include the so-called "defoamers" - espumizan and simethicone.

It should be noted that there is no universal remedy for gases in the abdomen. Only complex treatment can solve the problem of flatulence, which is not only physiological, but also social.