What to give a friend for 19 years?

Nineteen years is a wonderful time in the life of every girl! Ahead - true love, family, career. Some time will pass, and this period in life will be remembered with nostalgia and regret that 19 years will not return. Therefore, make this birthday memorable for your girlfriend, giving her something unusual and unexpected. In advance, think about what the original can be given to a girlfriend for 19 years.

Gift for a girl 19 years old

  1. Nineteen-year-old girls like jewelry: rings, bracelets , earrings. And not necessarily they should be gold. You can give silver, and you can also beautiful jewelry - a girlfriend will be nice. Well, if on the girl's birthday some of her friends are invited, then you can make a gift for a person and buy a really expensive thing. In addition to jewelry, a girl may like a stylish jewelry box or an original ring stand.
  2. If the birthday girl has a laptop, then, perhaps, she will be pleased with the new portfolio for the laptop. You can choose a cool cover for a tablet of fashionable colors and styles.
  3. A girl who is fond of music will be happy to book a concert of her favorite artist.
  4. A great gift for a young music lover will be stylish ear-earplugs.
  5. Give your girlfriend a T-shirt with a photoprint, a pillow or a cup with a funny inscription.
  6. Well, a soft teddy bear will be happy with any nineteen-year-old girl.
  7. Arrange for the sake of your girlfriend a memorable flash mob or run together a lot of sky lanterns.
  8. Gift certificate "Lady Perfection" will not leave indifferent any girl. A strip-dance lesson or a visit to a solarium, a tattoo or a master class in style is a choice for a birthday woman.
  9. And what kind of girl does not like the sweet basket presented to her for the 19th anniversary, full of delicious sweets and a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers!