Hidden syphilis - how quickly to identify and effectively treat the disease?

Many infections, sexually transmitted infections, for a long time do not give symptoms. Among those and hidden syphilis is a venereal disease, which patients learn about during an accidental examination. However, it is possible to diagnose the disease by certain signs.

Syphilis is a causative agent

The causative agent of the disease is pale treponema. The microorganism refers to spirochetes, looks like a spiral-shaped bacterium under a microscope. On average, there are 8-14 turns in the structure, and the total length does not exceed 14 μm. With the latent flow of such a disease as syphilis, the causative agent of the infection is in an inactivated state for a long time, forming cysts, L-forms.

Such modifications of treponema are able to stay for a long time in regional lymph nodes, cerebrospinal fluid of an infected person. Under conditions favorable for the pathogen (reduced immunity, chronic diseases), treponem activation occurs and the active stage of syphilis develops with a characteristic clinical picture and symptomatology.

Syphilis - transmission routes

To prevent infection, every person should imagine how pale treponema is transmitted. The main way is sexual, with unprotected sexual intercourse. However, it is impossible to exclude completely the possibility of passing the pathogen by household means, when using hygienic supplies alone or with cutlery. Penetration of the pathogen occurs through the mucous membranes, on the surface of which there are microcurrents, cracks. Among the rare methods of infection, venereologists are called:

What is latent syphilis?

Hearing this term, patients are often interested in doctors, whether there is hidden syphilis and what kind of a disease it is. The definition of "latent syphilis" is used to designate a form of the disease in which the clinical manifestations, symptoms and signs of the disease are absent, but the results of laboratory studies indicate the presence of an agent in the body. More often changes in blood are noticeable after 2 months after infection. Immediately from this time begins the countdown of the duration of the latent period of syphilis.

In most cases, the detection of pathology occurs accidentally, when passing tests, which are mandatory for preventive examination (blood on RW). Women can be suspected of the disease by a gynecologist during the next inspection. However, in practice, the latent form of syphilis is detected in the diagnosis of changes in internal organs (heart, liver, thyroid, musculoskeletal system).

Is latent syphilis contagious?

Many mistakenly suggest that the absence of signs of disease is the main criterion of absolute health. For this reason, a common question arises: is latent syphilis transmitted? Venereologists say that infection with this type of syphilis is possible. However, the transmission of the pathogen occurs only in two ways:

It should be noted that the risk of infection is maximal within the first two years from the moment of the disease development. When diagnosing at this time, the sexual partner of the disease, doctors advise you to refrain from sexual intercourse and also undergo a comprehensive examination. Early diagnosis and timely initiation of therapy cause a successful outcome.

Hidden early syphilis

The term "early syphilis" refers to the period of the disease, which corresponds to the time from primary infection to recurrent secondary syphilis. Doctors talk about early syphilis, when two more years have passed since the infection. Patients at this stage have no manifestations of the disease, but they represent a potential danger in the epidemic context.

At any time, the early latent form of syphilis can go into the active phase, which appears skin rashes and general symptoms of intoxication. In the elements of the rash contains a large number of pale treponem, the selection of which can cause infection of those who are in contact with the infected persons. It is worth noting that early latent syphilis is more common in patients under 40 years of age, leading a promiscuous sex life.

Late latent syphilis

Late syphilis in latent form is recorded after 24 months and more after infection. When the disease passes into the active phase, symptoms and a clinic of tertiary syphilis are observed. With this form, the internal organs and the nervous system (neurosyphilis) always suffer. On skin integuments, there may be malignant tertiary syphilis, tubercles, gums. If their integrity is compromised, it is possible to isolate pale treponemes, infection of others who are in contact with the patient.

Concealed congenital syphilis

Congenital syphilis in children is rarely diagnosed. Infection occurs from an infected mother. In this case, the woman herself can get sick before pregnancy or during the process of bearing a child. To the fetus, the pathogen penetrates through the umbilical vein or through the lymphatic fissures. Pathological changes in the organs and tissues of the future baby can be registered on the 5-6 month of gestation, during the ultrasound.

However, more often the hidden form makes itself known in early childhood. Prior to this, the detection of pathology is possible through serological studies, analysis of biological material (cerebrospinal fluid). Often an indication for a comprehensive examination of the child is the detection of a positive Wasserman reaction in the mother during the postpartum period or during pregnancy.

Hidden unspecified syphilis

The diagnosis of "unspecified syphilis" is made if the patient does not have information on the possible time of infection. Doctors also find it difficult to determine the duration of the disease. Patients are assigned a complex of serological studies, during which morphological forms of the treponema make assumptions about the type of disease. Unspecified syphilis in the latent flow can give false positive non-specific serological reactions, therefore before the final diagnosis they are repeated.

Hidden syphilis - signs

Symptoms of latent syphilis for a long time do not make themselves felt. On mucous membranes and skin of ulcers, rashes are not observed, however, changes can be recorded in internal organs, nervous system, musculoskeletal system. Among the indirect signs of the early form of latent syphilis doctors call:

  1. Presence in the anamnesis of eruptions, which character it was not possible to diagnose earlier.
  2. Treatment of STIs, gonorrhea before.
  3. The presence of an active form of syphilis in the sexual partner.
  4. Inflammatory reactions in the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.

It is also accepted to distinguish between indirect signs indicating a late stage:

In addition, the following phenomena can indicate syphilis:

Diagnosis of latent syphilis

How to identify hidden syphilis in a specific situation - doctors determine depending on the nature of suspicion, indirect symptoms. The final diagnosis is made on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the results of the research. Among the main diagnostic methods are:

  1. The indirect hemagglutination reaction (RPHA) - the prepared red blood cells are mixed with the patient's serum. If the result is positive, the cells stick together.
  2. Immunoenzyme analysis (ELISA) - a special enzyme is added to the patient's serum sample, which changes color with a positive result.
  3. RIF (immunofluorescence reaction) - a characteristic luminescence is present in the patient's biomaterial sample.

How to treat hidden syphilis?

With the treatment of latent syphilis, the main goal is to eliminate the cause of the disease. Removing the consequences (bone deformities, nervous system, heart damage) takes more time, and some of them are no longer amenable to correction. The treatment of late latent syphilis is based on the use of antibiotics, which are selected taking into account the stage of pathology. Above is a table that shows the treatment scheme for latent late syphilis, with the names of medicines and dosages. However, it is worth considering that all appointments are conducted only by a doctor.