How to lose weight with hormonal failure?

During hormonal failure, women often have problems with excess weight. Most often this is due to a violation of metabolism and the accumulation of excess fluid in the body. That's why every woman who is diagnosed with a hormonal disorder thinks about how to lose weight with hormonal failure. It is important to know that without the guidance of the attending physician, which eliminates the cause and consequences of the endocrine imbalance, weight loss is indispensable. It is the doctor who must determine the optimal diet for a woman who wants to get rid of extra pounds.

Losing weight with hormonal failure - the basic rules

Since losing weight after a hormonal failure is much more difficult than under normal conditions, a woman must follow certain rules. Consider these:

  1. Balanced diet. Do not overstate the level of fat in food. The diet should be based on a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  2. Phytoestrogens. It is necessary to include in the diet a large number of berries, fruits, vegetables, as well as mushrooms and legumes, which allow to normalize the hormonal background of the female body, and, consequently, to eliminate the very cause of the increase in body weight. In this regard, eggs will also help.
  3. Microelements. Food should be rich in microelements, as well as vitamins.
  4. Cellulose. It is important to include in the diet as many products as possible, rich in coarse fibers, which, like a brush, cleanse our bodies from the inside and promote the burning of fat.
  5. Refusal of harmful products. These include salty foods, fatty and flour products.

Female hormones for weight loss

Despite the importance of the above rules, the main thing that you need to do in order to lose excess weight with hormonal disorders is to eliminate the underlying cause. The attending physician should draw up a treatment plan for the patient that provides for correction of the hormonal balance . To do this, hormonal preparations can be prescribed, surgical procedures can be performed - everything depends on the cause of the hormonal failure. Often, even in itself, treatment of the original problem leads to the fact that the weight of a woman comes back to normal.

If the doctor prescribes hormonal therapy, then the following hormones can be used as a basis: