What to give the dog from diarrhea?

Intestinal disorders can provoke a variety of factors, ranging from banal poisoning to a sour lunch, to digestive damage caused by a serious infection or a dangerous poison. Bloody diarrhea in a dog is especially dangerous, treatment should be performed only after a complete examination. But a short-term malaise can be eliminated by resorting to easy medications, the right regimen and simple techniques from traditional medicine.

Remedy for diarrhea for dogs

Intestinal disorders almost always cause severe irritation of the mucous membranes. To prevent the development of sores or some kind of erosion, make a rice decoction. Make sure that the grain is soft enough. Very dangerous during dehydration of the intestine is dehydration and dysbiosis. From the first one helps such a medicine as Regidron, which is bred in water and allowed to drink to a sick person from a glass to 2 liters per day.

Useful for microflora are all kinds of sour-milk products, preparations containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. It is good to exclude fatty foods for a while, it will be severe and harmful to the weakened intestines. From various intoxication, the activated charcoal has always helped the dog to help with diarrhea . To facilitate swallowing, you can give the animal tablets .

Folk remedy for dogs against diarrhea

Let us list the astringents tested for centuries:

A couple of tablespoons of dry shredded herbs or fruits are poured with boiling water, and the water bath lasts about 20 minutes. When the product cools down, it can be diluted with boiled water, increasing the amount of infusion to 200 gr.

When is an emergency specialist needed?

Here are some symptoms that require an immediate all-round examination of the dog:

What to give a dog from such a dangerous diarrhea, should advise the specialist already. Therefore, we will not give the dosages of strong antibiotics here. Self-treatment without supervision of a veterinarian in case of any significant danger can not be tolerated. Preparations from worms, levomitsetin, tetracycline, metronidazole, ersefuril and other antibiotics for a dog with diarrhea are prescribed by the doctor, and the dose depends on the weight of the animal and its condition.