How to wash a cat?

Every self-respecting mistress will not let her pet, especially if it's a cat, be dirty. And he will definitely spend his time on how to properly put it in order. Cats themselves like cleanliness, so they carefully lick themselves with a tongue, and when it comes to bathing, they do not really get excited. For a pet, taking care of yourself is as important as it is for its owner. And still cats very much love affection, therefore after you have bought it, necessarily regret and stroke so that it does not get angry at you.

Do I need to wash domestic cats?

If your cat lives at home, you need to know that using shampoo to wash it is not so useful. This is due to the fact that the cat's fur after bathing loses its natural protective grease. And before you start water treatment, you need to think carefully, perhaps it is only to wipe the dirty feet or use a damp cloth. This is quite enough to maintain her hair in a normal state. If there are parasites in your cat's fur coat or it is too dirty - it's time to apply water procedures. Bathing can be useful and as a preventive measure. Do not even ask yourself whether you need to wash the cat if your pet will participate in the exhibition. Bathing is best done 5-7 days before an important event.

How to properly wash a cat?

This question was for sure asked by every person who had to think about the purity of his pet. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this, just during the bath, the cat is under stress, but as soon as you wrap it in a terry towel, it will begin to calm down and in a few hours completely forget about such an unpleasant procedure.

How to wash a cat depends on what you will bathe. But you need to remember that your soap, as well as shampoo is not suitable for washing animals. So what can you wash a cat? In fact, there are many special shampoos for your pet's coat. If your cat does not tolerate and is afraid of water , and each time before bathing shows you its discontent, then the most suitable shampoo for her is dry. It cleans the wool well enough and does not harm health: it does not damage the protective grease, and the skin does not suffer from dryness. Shampoo in the form of a spray is also convenient. If your cat has long hair, then it will be easy to comb it. It is effective enough to remove dirt from liquid shampoo, making the fur coat incredibly soft. But you can use it only if necessary 2-3 times for the whole year. If you want to bathe a cat with liquid shampoo, you must, first of all, prepare your pet before washing: pat it (you can eat only 4 hours before an unpleasant procedure). The temperature of the water to be washed by the cat, like the temperature of the apartment, can not be lower than + 22 ° C. The level of water in the basin or bathroom should not be higher than your cat's abdomen. Also do not forget that it is very dangerous for her to get water into the nose and ears. The main thing in the bathing process is to do everything with a feeling of love and tenderness - this will help the cat to transfer stress more gently.