Cultivation of garlic - simple rules of good harvest

Garlic is a vegetable that is used in many dishes to add spice. In addition, it is very useful. To assess all these benefits, you need to know how to properly grow garlic in the open field and how to care for it.

Planting garlic

Like other vegetable crops, planting garlic requires a number of rules, otherwise the harvest will be small. It is important to pre-prepare the soil and the planting material itself. Landing garlic in the ground, should be held at the right time and if you do not keep the time intervals, then the harvest will be significantly reduced. You can plant as slices bought in a store or on the market, as well as your own harvest last year.

How to prepare garlic for planting?

There are a few tips on how to properly prepare the cloves of garlic so that they germinate well and are not affected by disease.

  1. Preparation of garlic for planting begins with the disassembly of the head into separate denticles. Choose only large and healthy specimens. When selecting non-stalking varieties, use the teeth only from the outer tier.
  2. It is useful to carry out cold hardening, so the heads are placed in a place with low temperatures for 1.5-2 months. The optimum value is + 5 ° C. You can put garlic in the cellar or put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  3. For successful cultivation of garlic, it is recommended to pre-disinfect the denticles. You can take for this salt solution, for which 10 liters of water is added 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt. Before planting in the spring, the teeth should remain in it for 24 hours. A popular disinfectant is a solution of potassium permanganate, which should be medium pink. Soaking time - 15-20 minutes.

The correct landing of garlic

There are a number of rules that are important to consider when choosing the right place for planting.

  1. It is better to give preference to a territory that is well consecrated. Fine, if earlier there was pepper, cabbage, but as forerunners, onions, potatoes, beets and tomatoes do not fit.
  2. Finding out that he loves garlic when growing, it is worth pointing out about the need for additional feeding, and the details of the procedure are presented below.
  3. It is recommended to have beds from north to south, with a distance of about 40 cm between them. Between the teeth should be 6-10 cm. As for the depth, it should be about 8 cm.

Terms of planting garlic

You do not need to tighten the denticles, since the plant sprouts for a long time, and it may not have time to ripen. The secrets of growing garlic consist in the fact that it tolerates the cold well. It is believed that the most suitable time is the period from 7 to 14 April. Since the weather is often unpredictable and the spring can be early or, on the contrary, drag out, the specified time can be shifted.

Cultivation of garlic in the open ground

Planting material is recommended to be chosen carefully so that the denticles are large and without damage. Note that garlic without roots is not suitable for germination. Cultivation of garlic of summer, winter or other varieties is carried out according to similar rules, but each species has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account. It is important to note that many mistakenly believe that after planting it is forbidden to allow sprouting of green shoots so that the plant does not consume nutrients. Practice shows that this does not affect the yield in any way.

Growing of winter garlic

There are several ways to grow winter garlic, which are popular:

  1. Traditional. It is better to plant garlic in a territory where cucumbers, radish and beans grew earlier. It is necessary to first spread the humus in the territory and necessarily dig the ground. Furrows do after 25 cm, and the distance between the teeth should be 10-12 cm. After that, the beds are covered, watered and mulched.
  2. Double landing. Cultivation of winter garlic and care for it using this method is carried out in small areas. Plant a vegetable in two levels. The best time is autumn or the end of summer. The groove is dug out and the first level is planted to a depth of 11-12 cm. After that, the denticles are filled with earth, and the second tier is planted at a depth of 6-7 cm. The distance between them should be 10-15 cm.
  3. Sowing. The teeth can not be deepened into the ground, but sown. Do not worry that the teeth lying on their sides will not germinate. Garlic the ground and mulch the soil.

Spring garlic - growing

The vegetation period for this type of garlic is less than that of the winter variety, so the planting should begin in the early spring. Do not be afraid of frost, because the plant tolerates them well. At a lower temperature, spring garlic actively forms roots, and it grows well. If you delay with the landing, it will negatively affect the crop. Growing of summer garlic and care for it is carried out according to the rules:

  1. The root system is shallow, so the top layer should be rich in humus and have a neutral acidity. The place should be light and protected from the north wind.
  2. Cultivation of garlic necessarily includes soil fertilizer. Between the teeth should be a distance of 6-8 cm. The depth of planting is not more than 2 cm.
  3. It is recommended to conduct mulching, which prevents the formation of roots and retains moisture. Use for this purpose can be peat, hay or straw.

Egyptian garlic - growing

This species is also called "Rockambol" and its bulb consists of 4-6 teeth, connected by fibrous scales. The process of growing garlic of this species is similar to others, but there are a number of features:

  1. In the first year after planting a single-tooth fetus is formed. Next year under the upper layer will grow kids. The flesh of Egyptian garlic is not so sharp and juicy.
  2. Choose a suitable place for planting a sunny place and the soil is pre-fertilized and cultivated. The best time to plant is early spring.
  3. Divide the head into denticles, and sort them by their size.
  4. When growing garlic, remember that between the beds should be a distance of 30 cm, and between seeds 20 cm.
  5. After the appearance of the first shoots, loosen the soil. If the plant withers, then you need to make fertilizer. When there are first sprouts, you should use nitrogen fertilizing.

Chinese garlic - growing

This culture is chosen not only as a vegetable, but also as an ornamental plant that can serve as an ornament. There are certain subtleties of growing garlic:

  1. It is necessary to choose a solar area with a moderately moist and loose soil. Ideal neighbors are berry bushes.
  2. In autumn, dig out the earth and add this mixture: 1 tbsp. wood ash, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate , 1 tbsp. spoons of potash fertilizer and a bucket of humus. The number is indicated in 1 m 2 .
  3. Cultivation of Chinese garlic can begin from early spring, as seeds germinate even at + 2-3 ° C. When directly planted in the open ground, grooves 2 cm deep are made and they are moistened. If sowing is carried out on seedlings, then when two normal leaves appear, you need to transplant the garlic. When the seedlings are 2 months old, you can plant it in the open ground.

Care for garlic

After the teeth are in the ground, it is necessary to monitor the plantations and perform proper care. The weeds that appear should be immediately removed, as they will not allow the garlic to develop normally. Caring for winter garlic and other varieties also includes a mandatory procedure - removing the arrows as soon as they appear. Although this will lead to a delay in the development of the vegetable, it will contribute to the formation of large heads.

Cultivation of garlic in the country - watering

Such a vegetable culture is hygrophilous, but an excessive amount of water can cause rotting roots and various diseases. Cultivation of garlic, grooming, feeding and other procedures are carried out according to the rules, and watering is no exception:

  1. When planting spring garlic moisturize it once a week, and winter - after the emergence of sprouting once every 10 days.
  2. When bulbs will ripen, watering should completely stop. If it is very hot, then it is necessary to bring in moisture once a week.
  3. Water better on the grooves, which should be between the rows. It should be borne in mind that 1 m 2 should account for 30-35 liters.
  4. It is necessary to conduct the procedure in the evening, but if it is cold at night, then transfer everything for a day.
  5. If the cultivation of garlic means long-term storage of the crop, then during the formation of the bulbs you need to reduce watering.

Cultivation of garlic - top dressing

To make the plant develop well, and the harvest was rich, it is recommended to use fertilizers. Carry out feeding in the important stages of formation:

  1. Autumn. Make fertilizers 1-2 weeks before the landing of garlic. Apply a better bucket of humus, which should be added 1 tbsp. spoon double superphosphate, 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium sulfate and 0.5 liters of wood ash. In autumn it is not recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers.
  2. Spring. Winter garlic at this time is already beginning to germinate, so spend the next top dressing. Spring garlic is fed when there will be active growth and ovaries will form. This procedure is recommended to combine with watering. For proper grooming in spring, the feeding of garlic is carried out with the use of urea (10 liters of water must have 1 tbsp of fertilizer), so for each 1 m 2 2-3 l of this solution should be poured. After two weeks, the second fertilizing is realized, so in 10 liters of water 2 tbsp are diluted. spoons of nitrofoski solution or nitroammofoski .
  3. Summer. Next time, fertilizer is introduced in the middle-end of June, when bulbs begin to form. If you carry out top dressing earlier, then the plant will give strength to the development of arrows and greens. Use potassium phosphate fertilizers, so 10 liters are taken 2 tbsp. spoons. At 1 m 2 should be 4-5 liters.

Peculiarities of growing garlic - diseases and pests

If you follow all the rules, then there should not be any problems, but you should know about possible problems:

  1. During the vegetation period, garlic is often affected by rot, the presence of which is indicated by yellow leaves, death of roots, decay of the bulb, and also the appearance of a white or pink plaque. To avoid problems, choose a quality planting material.
  2. Cultivation of garlic in the country can be accompanied by defeat by onion flies and nematodes. Prevent the appearance of the second, you can use soaking planting material in saline solution. To cope with flies, it is recommended to prepare such a tool: mix 1 tbsp. wood ash, 1 teaspoon of tobacco dust and black ground pepper. Ready mixture should be sprayed over the beds, and then, properly loosen the ground.