Permetrine ointment

The human skin is very susceptible to various microscopic parasites, especially scabies mites. To combat them, use of permetrine ointment, which has a harmful effect, both on adult mature individuals and on larvae. The advantage of the drug is its safety and extremely low toxicity for the human body.

Permetric ointment with demodectic and scabies

The presented drug is based on a mixture of pyrethroid isomers of synthetic type - permetrin. This substance provokes a disruption in the development of larvae, young and adult individuals of some insects, including lice and scabies. As is known, microorganisms of the genus Demodex are also included in this group of parasites, therefore permetrine ointment is effective in demodectic eyelids and skin. Usually it is prescribed in conjunction with other local medicines - metronidazole, sulfur preparations, antibiotics (Erythromycin, Clindamycin).

Often against the background of defeat by mites, a secondary infection occurs, caused by pathogenic staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria. This leads to severe skin lesions, rashes in the form of inflamed painful elements, purulent pimples. In such cases, a permethrin ointment with a bactericide is recommended. In its composition, in addition to permethrin, includes quinfuril, which has very high antibacterial activity against these microbes and other Gram-positive microorganisms.

The use of permetrine ointment

The way of using the drug depends on the disease.

For treatment of scabies ointment is prescribed once. It should be applied gently (a thin layer) on the affected skin and rub until completely absorbed. A day after the application of the medicine, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the treated areas, change clothes, bed linens and towels, it is better to wash them immediately or to treat them with steam and iron it.

If over time new foci of scabies are found, re-use of permetrine ointment after 2 weeks is recommended. With demodicosis the method of application is radically different. As part of complex therapy, the drug is applied to the entire surface of the skin of the face or back, carefully rubbed and not washed off until the time of using another medicine comes. The procedure is performed once a day, usually in the morning, for 4 weeks (minimum), as the life cycle of the development of the tick of the genus Demodex is 28 days.

It is worth noting that during the treatment of demodicosis, noticeable results appear already on day 3-4 - the number of rashes decreases, the inflammatory processes subside, the purulent pust dry up.

It is important to pay attention to the side effects of the drug, although they are extremely rare:

In isolated cases, erythema is noted.

Contraindications to permetrine ointment include only individual intolerance of the constituents of the medication.

Analogues of permetrine ointment

Unfortunately, there are no direct analogues of the considered drug. In addition, the medication is not registered on the territory of the Russian Federation, which significantly complicates its purchase. You can buy the medicine in Ukraine under the name "Permetrinova Ointment" or order in online pharmacies.

To synonyms and generics that help with scabies, you can include the following tools:

It is worth noting that these drugs are not very effective in treating demodectic skin and eyelids.