32 weeks of pregnancy - this is how many months?

Pregnancy is a long and difficult period associated with the many difficulties that a woman must overcome before becoming a mother. Toxicosis, pain in the lower back, legs - these are the few manifestations that every pregnant woman faces. At the same time, the expectant mother constantly thinks about her baby: how he looks, whether everything is good with him. As a result, she sometimes does not even remember the exact period of her gestation, because the doctor calls her in weeks, and she herself thinks in months. Let us consider in more detail such a period as the 32nd week of pregnancy and find out how many months this is.

How do doctors consider the term of gestation?

All physicians in determining the duration of pregnancy rely on the date of the first day of menstruation before the onset of conception. It is he who is considered the first day of gestation. However, in fact, this is a bit wrong.

The whole point is that conception is possible only at the moment of ovulation, which is observed in the middle of the cycle, approximately 2 weeks after the onset of menstruation. Precisely because the real age of the embryo is less for this very time period.

If you try to translate weeks into months and find out how many have already passed to 32-33 weeks of pregnancy, then to do this, it is enough to divide by 4. Immediately so, doctors say, establishing the so-called obstetrical months of pregnancy. Thus, it turns out that this period is equal to 8 full obstetric months or 8 months and 1 week, respectively.

What happens to the baby on this date?

By this time the baby reaches 43 cm in height, and the mass of his small body can be 1700-1800.

The fetus is actively growing. The systems and organs of it are already fully formed and are gradually being improved.

The skin gradually begins to smoothen, acquire a lighter shade. Appear cheeks, and handles and legs at the same time become more rounded, indicating an increase in subcutaneous fat.

Gradually disappears lanugo, and in its place grow hair, but they are not so much and they are very soft and fragile.

It is at this time that the baby takes its final position in the uterine cavity, i.e. the presentation is established. Normal is the head, when the fetus is directly drawn by the head to the exit from the small pelvis.

Bone tissue continues its development, it is strengthened. But, despite this, the bones retain their flexibility, which is necessary for the safe passage of the child through the mother's birth canal. In particular, this applies to the bones of the skull, since it is the head that experiences the greatest pressure during childbirth.

What does the future mother feel at this time?

The large uterus leaves less room for the organs. As a result of the compression of the stomach, a woman often feels heartburn, there are eructations. The diaphragm is very high, therefore shortness of breath and difficulty in breathing are noted more often.

Also at this time, the pregnant woman often encounters a disruption of the intestine. Constant constipation does not give her rest. Moreover, often the result of them can be the development of hemorrhoids, which often worsen immediately after birth.

The number of training fights by this time is increasing. They become more frequent and prolonged. Most importantly, do not mix them up with generic ones. at this time, delivery is possible. The main difference is that with generic intensity increases, and the interval gradually begins to decline. The appearance of fluid from the genital tract at the height of one of them, indicates the onset of the birth process, which requires hospitalization.

There is not much time left until the delivery in time. Recall that a full-term baby is considered to be born in the interval of 37-42 weeks.