Turmeric - application

Turmeric is one of the varieties of ginger. The root of this plant is dried and crushed thoroughly, yielding a useful and tasty spice. Curcuma has been widely used in medicine and cosmetology, thanks to its medicinal properties.

Benefits of turmeric

It is known that this spice contains many vitamins, especially group B. It also includes iodine, calcium and phosphorus, which are indispensable for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland and digestive system. At the moment, such medicinal properties of turmeric have been studied:

The use of this seasoning in cosmetic procedures is even more extensive.

Turmeric for hair

To have healthy and beautiful hair will help a simple mask of turmeric. It is enough to use it only once a month and it is very easy to cook:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric and liquid honey in a ceramic or plastic bowl.
  2. Slowly pour into the gruel 1 tablespoon of slightly warmed milk and mix thoroughly.
  3. The resulting mixture evenly applied to clean damp hair, gently rub into the scalp.
  4. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes under a towel.
  5. Wash your head with warm water, rinse with any herbal decoction with lemon juice.

Regular use of this mask will help:

Turmeric for the face

This spice is used for the preparation of medical and restorative care products for all skin types. Curcuma in cosmetology is an indispensable component, because has antioxidant properties and improves blood microcirculation. This contributes to a significant rejuvenation and restoration of the water balance. In addition, very effective turmeric for the problem skin and with small inflammatory processes.

The most popular mask with turmeric for the face:

  1. One teaspoon of turmeric, honey and milk mixed in non-metallic dishes.
  2. Apply the mixture for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Thoroughly wash off the gruel, rinse the face with cool water.

A course of 10 such procedures (2-3 times a week) will significantly improve the color and relief of the face, improve and moisturize the skin.

Turmeric from acne and inflammation is used in a cleansing and anti-inflammatory mask:

  1. Spice mix with honey in equal proportions and mix thoroughly.
  2. Kashitsu put on face massaging movements and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse the rest of the mixture with cool water.

It is also recommended to add spice to clay masks with essential oils for problem skin. Well-established natural soap with turmeric in the treatment of acne and rashes, provided daily use for several weeks.

Turmeric for the body

Aromatic spice helps get rid of cellulite and goosebumps. It is enough to add a small amount of spices to your habitual body scrub or to a mixture for wraps. The effect will not take long to wait and the visible results you will notice in a couple of weeks.

Also, turmeric is used to get rid of unwanted hair. It is known that the components that make up the spice can significantly slow down the activity of the hair follicle. Therefore, traditionally prepare a paste of turmeric and a saline solution, which is applied immediately after epilation or shugaring. If the skin is too irritated or very sensitive, salt and water are replaced with coconut oil. The mixture is evenly applied to the treated areas and allowed to stand until completely dry. Regular application of such procedures will help to significantly reduce the growth rate of unwanted hair, their subsequent number.