When can you walk with a newborn?

Once you with unconcealed admiration and trembling looked at mummy with carriages and dreamed how you will proudly walk, carrying a valuable cargo. And here behind nine months of waiting, the first meeting with a beloved crumb and happy eyes of relatives at discharge from the hospital. But do not rush to testdrive the first vehicle of your baby on the same day you were at home.

When you can walk with a newborn baby doctor determines, his recommendations and advice should help a young mother make the right decision. Remember that walks are necessary for a kid, like air, in the literal sense of the word: the oxygen that he receives in the fresh air, stimulates his growth and development.

First walks

There are several basic conditions that determine the time when you can start walking with a newborn. It depends, first of all, on the time of the year when the baby was born, and on his well-being. If there are no contraindications to the doctor, in the summer you can start walking from the 7th day of the child's life, taking into account the temperature of the air on the street - if it is very hot in the daytime, it is better to make a promenade towards the evening when the heat subsides. In winter - from the 14th day of life, crumbs can be walked at a temperature of at least minus 15 degrees. How much to walk with a newborn in autumn and spring is also determined by the condition of the baby and the weather conditions, doctors recommend taking the baby out for a walk on the 5th-6th day of life, but walking only in good weather, starting from 10-15 minutes, every day, 5-10 minutes. During the rain, it is better to refuse a walk, even if you cover the wheelchair with a raincoat, inside it will become stuffy, and the baby will sweat.

Main rules

To the question: when walking with a newborn, the answer is simple - after feeding. A well-fed baby will feel more comfortable, fall asleep more quickly and sleep longer. How much can and should be walked with the newborn also depends on the season: in winter and in the autumn-spring period it is recommended to walk for 1.5-2 hours, and in summer - 2.5-3 hours.

The basic rules, how to walk with a newborn in winter, look like this:

The universal advice how to walk with the newborn does not exist. There are only a few recommendations. To take walks better away from noise, highways, shopping centers. An ideal place is a park or a park, where the baby will breathe fresh air and join a healthy lifestyle. Walking with a crumb is necessary regularly, because walks not only contribute to tempering the child and strengthen his immunity, but also help moms get back into shape and stimulate lactation.

Alternative to a walk

On the question: how many times to walk with a newborn, doctors respond: at least 2 times a day. If, for some reason, there is no opportunity to go out for a second time, you can put the baby carriage on the balcony. Pay attention to the fact that the child was dressed exactly as if you were going to go outside. And always check regularly - everything is fine with a crumb.

As a rule, kids sleep better outdoors, use this and talk to young mothers on the street, so you will be distracted from everyday life and homemade "imprisonment" will not seem so terrible to you, and home chores will be even more fun. Walk with your long-awaited miracle, embrace the new little man to the world around him!