Umbilical hernia in a newborn

Umbilical hernia in newborns is considered a congenital defect of the umbilical ring region, through which the contents of the abdominal cavity can exit. Most often, the umbilical hernia is a loop of the intestine, and medicine successfully treats such a disease.

Umbilical hernia occurs in 20% of infants, most often in premature infants, as they are difficult to tolerate various loads.

Symptoms of umbilical hernia in newborns

The umbilical ring is a narrow opening that lets the blood vessels through which the child was connected to the placenta while in the belly of his mother. Simply put - this is the umbilical cord.

When the baby is born, his umbilical cord is bandaged, and the excess part disappears. Then the umbilical ring is closed and cicatrized. By the time this process takes several weeks.

The first symptom of the umbilical hernia is the protrusion of the umbilical ring. This can be seen when the child cries. Also, the symptoms of the umbilical hernia in a newborn baby may be increased anxiety of the child and crying.

If at birth the umbilical ring is larger than normal, then the protrusion of the umbilical ring becomes immediately noticeable even to inexperienced parents when the baby is crying, crying and gas. At this point, a part of the intestinal loop can exit, which will prevent the umbilical ring from scarring. This is called the umbilical hernia.

Causes of umbilical hernia in newborns

Umbilical hernia can appear for various reasons. It can be, as hereditary disease, and acquired. For example, the umbilical hernia may appear in the child as a consequence of the disease of one of the parents and may occur in the womb of the mother.

The appearance of umbilical hernia in newborns can be affected by ecology, the impact of chemical drugs, infectious diseases of the mother.

These factors can adversely affect the development of the fetus, for example, inhibit the development of connective tissue. In this case, an irregular formation of the umbilical ring structure may occur, and as a result, an umbilical hernia will appear.

Umbilical hernia in newborns can occur as a result of diseases that lower muscle tone, for example, rickets. Also, the causes of umbilical hernia in newborns are frequent colic, constipation and excessive accumulation of gases in the intestine.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in newborns

Treatment of umbilical hernia in infants usually does not require surgical intervention. By 3-5 years, she usually goes by herself, if the child starts to do the massage in a timely manner, exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and special procedures.

Massage of the stomach can be done not only by a doctor or a massage therapist, but also by one of the parents, having mastered an uncomplicated technique.

How to do massage with umbilical hernia in a newborn?

Put the baby on his back, and start gently massage the umbilical ring with light circular movements first clockwise, and then vice versa. Massage should be done with warm hands, and massage only the umbilical ring, and not the tummy tale, so as not to disturb the digestion of the child.

When the child can hold his head on his own, it can be put on the tummy, the main thing is that the surface is hard and smooth. Let him lie down for a while in this position. This simple exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdominal cavity.

To fix the hernia, doctors use a band-aid, which is pulled together by a small fold on the umbilical ring, to exclude the possibility of jamming the internal organs. The plaster is applied for about 10 days, after which the doctor inspects the child and decides whether it is necessary to re-apply the patch.

We wish good health to you and your baby!