How to use the pregnancy test?

The question of how to use the pregnancy test, probably, every girl asked, and more than once. Previously, in order to know whether you were pregnant or not, you had to go to a doctor who surely and surely would dispel all your doubts. However, in the twenty-first century there is no such need anymore.

The use of a pregnancy test is necessary when you want a quick, accurate and simple way to find out whether you are pregnant or not. Which is one of the big pluses of tests. To do this, you just need to go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. It is used to diagnose pregnancy at the earliest possible time.

The pregnancy test provides an opportunity to understand the presence or absence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the body. That is, the hormone that is produced in the female body when pregnancy occurs. It is important to note that this hormone appears from the very first days of conception and when a certain amount is reached, it makes it possible to determine at the shortest possible time whether you are pregnant or not by using a test.

And yet, before you ask yourself how to use the pregnancy test, you need to know that there are different kinds of tests. Starting from the usual test strips, and ending with electronic tests


How to use a pregnancy test?

The best time to apply the test is the morning, since it is in the morning portion of urine that the highest concentration of chorionic gonadotropin, the hormone that indicates the presence of pregnancy, is contained. How can you use it? Having typed a small amount of urine into a container, you need to place a test in it to a certain line and hold it for a while (it is indicated in the instruction). After you need to take the test out of the tank and wait for the result (usually no more than 5 minutes). A substance applied to a strip of dough will immediately react to the presence or absence of a hormone. And in the end you will get either a negative result, to which one strip corresponds, or positive - two strips. If you have not seen a single band, this indicates that the test is not usable.

Proper use of the pregnancy test will give you the opportunity to achieve accurate and accurate results in just a few minutes. Modern technologies can achieve an accurate result with a probability of 99%.

Of course, it is possible that a test, like a person, is prone to make mistakes, and we can get a false result. Such an incident may occur if the instruction is not followed, or if the tests are not stored correctly in the pharmacy.

Also a low concentration of chorionic gonadotropin can show a false negative result. In this regard, it is better to be reinsured and after some time to repeat the pregnancy test.

That is, it is advisable to reuse the pregnancy test if you are in doubt about the result. Then you need 2-3 days after the first test, re-use the pregnancy test. It is better to take a test from another manufacturer (just in case). It is also necessary to know that the same pregnancy test can not be used twice. The test can be used only once, and even if it has not shown a single strip, it is no longer suitable for further use.

However, it must be remembered that even if using the pregnancy test will give you an answer to the question of interest, but in the end only the gynecologist can confirm or deny the result.

And in conclusion we want to remind you that while living a sexual life, you can always get pregnant, so watch the menstrual cycle and pay attention to delays. But do not forget that the presence of certain diseases can also be the reason for the delay in the menstrual cycle. And by studying the instructions for the pregnancy test, pay attention to the little things, because they very often can affect the correct and reliable result.