Reduced hemoglobin in pregnancy

The level of hemoglobin in the blood of a pregnant woman is an extremely important indicator. Hemoglobin transports oxygen to all organs and throughout our body. But when the concentration of its carriers, erythrocytes, decreases in the blood, it is anemia. Such a condition in a pregnant woman threatens the development of her future baby.

The normal level of hemoglobin in pregnant women is 110 g / l and above. A slight decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy, talk about mild anemia ( anemia ). In addition, there is still an average and severe degree of disease. At the last level, the level drops to 70 g / l and below.

Almost half of pregnant women face problems with low hemoglobin. But thanks to a regular blood test, the situation can always be corrected in time and prevent negative consequences.

Causes of low hemoglobin in pregnant women

The causes of low hemoglobin during pregnancy can be existing chronic diseases of internal organs (pyelonephritis, hepatitis, heart defects, etc.), severe first trimester toxicity, hormonal disorders, a small interval between pregnancies, multiple pregnancies , frequent nervous stress, long-term use of potent drugs such as levomycetin and aminazine, a deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid.

Low hemoglobin in pregnancy - symptoms

Symptoms of anemia are frequent dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, fainting, shortness of breath during physical exertion, increased heart rate, headaches, tinnitus, pale skin, insomnia, brittle nails and hair loss.

In addition, the problems with hemoglobin are constantly dry skin, frequent constipation, perversion of taste preferences, cyanotic lips, pale skin, dark circles around the eyes.

Consequences of low hemoglobin in pregnancy

As a rule, low hemoglobin occurs in the second half of pregnancy. This is due to the increased volume of blood and a decrease in the concentration of red blood cells. And as low as possible this concentration becomes 32-34 weeks of pregnancy.

However, the needs of the fetus in the gland only increase. And a significant reduction in its level can lead to such negative consequences as hypoxia, untimely outflow of amniotic fluid, late toxicosis (gestosis) and even termination of pregnancy.

In addition, with anemia, there is a risk of complications during childbirth, the birth of a child with a low weight and a high susceptibility to infections, and sometimes to the death of an infant in the first days after childbirth.

Low hemoglobin in pregnancy - treatment

A low level of hemoglobin during pregnancy is treated, first of all, by diet correction. Eating pregnant with low hemoglobin should include iron-containing foods such as buckwheat, beef liver, green apples, dried apricots, spinach, fish, eggs, pomegranates, stale bread, carrots, parsley, beans. Assimilation of iron from food is promoted by walking in the fresh air, folic and ascorbic acid.

In addition, the doctor must appoint you the appropriate vitamin complex. For the prevention of iron deficiency it is desirable to take it from the earliest pregnancy.

Of course, correction of the diet will help only with a slight decrease in the level of hemoglobin. After all, with food, only 2-6% of the iron contained in it is absorbed. Therefore, you need to additionally drink iron preparations and ingredients that enhance its absorption.

There are women who oppose taking any tablets, including vitamins. But you need to understand that anemia during pregnancy is much more dangerous for a child than tablets. Therefore, it is worth to abandon your principles and act for the health of the future baby.