On which hand do they wear an engagement ring?

"A wedding ring is not a simple decoration," is sung in one famous song. This symbol of love and family life means a sacred meaning. The question of what kind of a hand is worn by an engagement ring does not have an unambiguous answer, because in every country there are traditions. It is believed that the tradition of exchanging rings is of a religious nature, despite the fact that it is closely connected with the civil institution of marriage.

It is not known when the tradition of wearing wedding rings appeared, but there is an opinion that the Egyptians were the first to exchange them. They carried it on his left hand on an unnamed finger. According to legend, it is the ring finger that is the "connecting link" of the heart and veins, and symbolizes love.

In Ancient Rus, the newlyweds also exchanged rings, and they could be made from metal or from twigs of trees. The ring has no end and no beginning, so the newly-made family men believed that if on the day of the wedding to ring each other, then the love will be eternal.

On which hand do they wear the engagement ring of a man?

As we said above, the question of what kind of a hand is worn by a man's wedding ring depends on the country and the traditions accepted in it. For example, the Slavs wear this symbol of love on the ring finger of the right hand. The same rules apply to residents of Greece, Poland and Germany.

And on the left hand (also on the ring finger) the wedding ring is worn in Sweden, Mexico, America and France.

The choice of the hand is conditioned, first of all, by religion. On the territory of Russia and Ukraine, Christianity is widespread. And in most countries of the West, Catholicism and Protestantism prevail.

By the way, interesting is the fact that Armenians - and they mostly adhere to the Christian religion, wear an engagement ring on their left hand. This fact is motivated by the fact that it is through the left hand that the path to the heart is closer. Therefore, the energy of love will manifest itself most strongly during difficult moments in the relationship.

In the Orthodox religion, the right hand is more "significant" - it is baptized, vows of fidelity and much more. Those countries in which the wedding ring is worn on the left hand, consider the left hand more important, because it is closer to the heart. This means that after the wedding, the newlyweds "give hearts" to each other.

There is also an opinion that since most people have a right hand that is "working" and comes to their eyes more often, others will notice faster that a person is not free, and this will save you from unnecessary attempts to get acquainted.

On which hand do girls wear an engagement ring?

Lovers have one more tradition. When a young man makes an offer of a lover, he presents her with an engagement ring. In Russia and Ukraine, women wear an engagement ring on the same right hand, on an unnamed finger. After the wedding, together with the wedding, you can only wear it.

After the divorce, most often the former spouses remove the rings. If one of the spouses dies, the widow or widower wears an engagement ring on the opposite hand - it is believed that in this way they honor memory and keep love.

Of course, each person decides on which hand to wear an engagement ring, because lovers put their individual meaning into rings. And it is very important to remember that neither the ring on the ring finger nor the stamp in the passport and the marriage certificate are able to preserve the relationship and save the family life. Therefore, we need to work on our relations constantly, and most importantly - together, together, because marriage is not only customs, traditions and a beautiful wedding.