When to accustom a child to a pot?

A kid and a pot are inevitable. There comes a time when every mom begins to view articles on the Internet, leaf through the forums, consult with experienced friends, wondering when to accustom the child to the pot. The most interesting, despite all the excitement around this topic, there is no child who would not learn to walk on a pot, regardless of the efforts of the parents.

General rules and recommendations

The most important thing that every mother must remember is the age of the child's accustoming to the pot is individual. If the daughter of a neighbor by a year and a half has mastered the pot, this does not mean that your two-year-old son has any problems, it's just that his time has not come yet. Physiologists concluded that the child can not fully control the excretory processes before 2-3 years. Now consider the main landmarks, when putting the child on the pot already makes sense:

Beginning of planting and training period

In order for the child to use the pot for the intended purpose, it is necessary to wait until the brain and organs participating in this process develop sufficiently. The pattern is extremely simple, the more a child develops at the time of the beginning of the training, the fewer attempts will need to be taken to achieve the result. Of course, there is one more factor - the efforts of the parents.

Suppose that two children develop the same physically, but they are taught to the pot differently: the first one is taught from a year and for 9 months of trying to achieve a sustainable result, and the second - from two and receive a result in 3 months. In fact, when the first child is asking for a pot for 1 year and 9 months, he deserves praise, but this is praise first of all to parents. And here each family should set priorities for itself. If the issue with the pot is principled, then you can start the journey sooner, but it's worth it to be ready that it will be a long one. If this topic does not bother the parents, then the start can be postponed, especially at this age there is something to do with the child in addition to prolonged persuasion and expectations on the pot.

Often you can hear how the mothers of girls are worried that the daughter still does not go to the pot, arguing that usually girls develop faster. In fact, a specific time frame, when accustom to the pot of the boy, and when to accustom the girl to the pot, no physiologist or pediatrician will be called. Sex in this matter is absolutely irrelevant.

Pros and cons of early potty training

As a result of the pressure of the older generation and the desire of moms to be no worse than others, sometimes planting on a pot begin almost with two months. Of course, a number of advantages this approach provides - at least stop spending on diapers, and this is a significant savings. But it's worth knowing about cons.

As stated above, how much to accustom a child to a pot depends on the degree of its development. When a child is too early to be planted, he is not yet able to control the processes physically. How then do some mothers achieve their goal? It's simple, at an early age the baby can develop a conditioned reflex associated with a sound stimulus such as "pi-pi" or "a-a." That is, the child defecates not because he realizes and feels the desire, but because the organism responds to this sound reflexively. Usually all early successes are interspersed with a large percentage of failures.