Thyroid cancer - symptoms

Thyroid cancer is a malignant tumor of the thyroid gland. A feature of the cancer of this organ is that most patients suffering from this disease completely get rid of it, since thyroid cancer is one of the few types of cancer that can be diagnosed at an early stage and yet it is well treatable. Because of such features, the disease is not considered a sentence, although, of course, its danger can not be underestimated and it is worth knowing the causes of thyroid cancer, and most importantly its symptoms. They will help you first notice the negative changes in the body in order to consult a doctor.

Causes of Thyroid Cancer

The nature of thyroid cancer does not differ from other types of cancer, therefore the causes of its appearance have not been identified so far. But scientists know that the disease occurs due to changes in human DNA. Sometimes the changes are hereditary in nature or occur with the growth of a person. In the risk group, there are more people who have been exposed to radiation. At the same time, it is worth dispelling the myth that the X-ray provokes the appearance of an oncological disease. The rays of the dental X-ray absolutely do not affect the development of thyroid cancer. But if in childhood a person was often treated with radiation, the risk of the disease is significantly increased.

What are the symptoms of thyroid cancer?

Unfortunately, many signs of thyroid cancer can be detected only with the help of ultrasound , because the disease has mild symptoms that do not clearly indicate the presence of the disease. The symptomatology of the thyroid cancer is blurred and difficult to recognize, but at the same time it is worth to know the first manifestations of the disease so that if there are signs, even similar signs, you can go to the doctor without delay and go through the necessary studies.

The first signs of thyroid cancer appear on the neck, in the thyroid gland. Formed cones in this area should make you worry about your health, but do not be scared and draw in your imagination terrible pictures, since only 5% of the nodular formations are malignant.

After the appearance of cones on the neck, the patient begins to worry about pain in the anterior part of the neck and headaches, there is also a change in the voice (it becomes hoarse), the appearance of a frequent cough that is not dictated by the appearance of the virus of the ARVI, GRIP or pneumonia or other similar diseases in the body. The patient may experience pain while swallowing, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, even in a calm state.

Types of thyroid cancer

Depending on the histopathological structure of the disease, there are several types of thyroid cancer:

The most common are papillary and follicular thyroid cancer. Identification in the early stages of these types in 90% of cases predicts a favorable prognosis, that is, recovery. Follicular thyroid cancer has the following symptoms:

The most aggressive form of thyroid cancer is medullary cancer. He is significantly different signs of his appearance. The main symptom of medullary thyroid cancer is the appearance of metastases in the locoregional lymph nodes of the neck. This manifests itself in the early stages of the development of the disease. Also, the medullary cancer manifests itself in the form:

In general, all types of thyroid cancer have similar symptoms, so at first determine the type of cancer is difficult.