Two-on-Two Diet

For many of the fair sex, spring is not only a source of good mood, but also an occasion to seriously take care of your appearance, especially if your favorite outfits began to hardly fit at the waist, and after all the beach season is not far off. For such forgetful individuals who remember the gym and proper nutrition only at the last minute, you can offer a few interesting, and most importantly effective options for a diet that can be conditionally called "two on two."

Diet 2 in 2 days

Another name for it is the "English diet", it is a food system, the main principle of which is the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. According to this diet, two carbohydrate will be taken every two protein days. Meal 4 times a day, and the most caloric intake of food - dinner. Average daily caloric content is about 1000 kilocalories. Before the main course, you need to spend two days off on kefir or milk to prepare the body for a new diet. Duration - 21 days. To get out of the diet you need to gradually, adding the usual products to the diet.

Foods allowed during a diet two in two days

Begin the diet 2 days off, during which you are allowed to use only skim milk or kefir. They are followed by 2 protein days . During these you can eat:

Then - 2 carbohydrates , the diet of which consists of:

Also during the whole diet are allowed spices, fresh herbs, but salt is best used at a minimum. Of the drinks can unsweetened green, herbal and black tea, as well as a little coffee without sugar, and of course drinking water without gas. For a day on this diet you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid.

Diet "every two hours"

During this diet is offered, eat every 2 hours, but in small portions. Its advantages are easy tolerability and a habit of fractional nutrition, which it helps to produce. Of the minuses - too frequent meals, uncomfortable for a busy modern man.

Basic principles of the diet "Every two hours"

Strict menu and duration of this diet does not exist. You form your diet, based on the general rules of this food system, and finish it when you yourself think fit.

So, the recommendations that you need to follow to ensure that the diet is as effective as possible:

  1. This diet should be eaten strictly every 2 hours, not skipping meals, and not extending the intervals between them.
  2. The volume of food should always be equal to the volume of your fist.
  3. Food should not be drunk, you need to drink either 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after eating.
  4. After 18 hours you can eat only unsweetened fruit , or skimmed yogurt.
  5. It is necessary to limit, and it is better to completely exclude sources of "empty" calories from your diet: chips, croutons, confectionery, white bread and buns.
  6. It is acceptable to arrange so-called "weekend" times 7-10 days, during which you can eat in a convenient for you mode. However, portions should still be small, and the menu should include a minimum of harmful products, such as sweet and snacks.

Observing these simple recommendations, you can choose those foods that you like, do not suffer from severe restrictions, and make your diet as varied as possible. Although this diet will not give quick results, but will teach you to listen to the needs of your body, there is often and gradually that will avoid overeating in the future, and therefore, for a long time to keep the acquired harmony.