When to transplant roses?

Roses are very beautiful plants, they can please with their flowers both indoors ( indoor rose ) and on the plot ( ground rose ).

Buying houseplants, many amateur gardeners make a big and very common mistake, transplanting them into very spacious pots. Of course, some flowers endure such manipulations. However, if you bought a room rose and want to transplant it, do not hurry. How to transplant a rose after purchase, we now will understand.

How to transplant a room rose?

Buy a rose not in a hurry to land, put it on the south or south-east window or balcony, and monitor it for a couple of weeks. If during this time the flower does not show any signs of malaise - engage in a transplant.

It is recommended to transplant the transhipment method. Do this in such a way that it does not damage the earthen lump. For indoor roses, it is better to buy the soil ready in a flower shop. At the bottom of the pot, a drainage layer of approximately 1.5 cm is necessarily made. The rose is poured into a new pot, poured, poured. Then you need to wait for us to enjoy the beautiful flowering.

When can I transplant garden roses?

Very often there are disputes when transplanting roses in the garden. The most suitable time is March-April and September-October. In the spring it is necessary to transplant before the buds are dissolved, and in the autumn - 3-4 weeks before frost.

The pit is prepared in advance (for 3-4 weeks), its size should be such that the rose is planted at the same depth as it used to grow. In the pit, add the garden land and pour water on the bottom with Kornevin.

Rose bushes, which you decided to transplant, you need to water well around the bush. The rose should be excavated very carefully, so as not to damage the earthen shaft. If you still damaged large roots, they should be cut slightly at the ends. You need to cut off shoots over the outer kidneys, from the neck of the root to 25 cm. If you transplant a climbing rose, then leave 50-60 cm.

Carefully the bush is put in a pit, its roots are carefully straightened. When planting, the root neck is buried no more than 5 cm. Then it is covered by the bottom layer of the earth and is abundantly watered. Then add the humus from the calculation: one bucket of humus per bush. Try not to cover the root neck with humus.

There is another question that worries many: is it possible to transplant a blooming rose? You can transplant, the rose will take root, give new increments, but your shrub will lose a lot of flowers. If the transplant during flowering is not to hurry, then enjoy the flowering shrub, and only then transplant.

How to transplant a process of a rose?

Cut the middle part of the stem from the rose so that it has 2-3 buds, cut into cuttings 15 cm long. The lower cut on the cut should be 1 cm below the kidney and at an angle of 45 degrees, and the top - straight.

Remove the bottom sheets, trim the thorns. Top coat with green. Put the cuttings in the aloe juice (freshly squeezed) for 12-15 hours.

The land for transplantation is abundantly moistened, and sprinkle with sand from above. Plant the seedlings to a depth of 2 cm. Pour warm water and put on top a plastic bottle (neck up). Lighten periodically your seedlings with a fluorescent lamp.

In a month you can begin to accustom the seedlings to the open air. If in this period begin to appear buds - remove them. The soil of the seedlings should be moist, watering as needed. Also in the first three weeks you need to spray seedlings 6 times per day.

If you carefully study the rules of transplanting indoor and outdoor roses, you can easily grow a whole rosary at home, which will please you with its bloom and aroma for many years.