Birthmark on the leg

A mole on the foot may appear on the skin in any part of the body. A birthmark on the leg is dangerous because an innocuous skin formation can become malignant for a number of reasons.

Causes of the birth of a mole on the stalk

Moles on the legs are due to various reasons. Factors predisposing to the development of education are:

How to remove a mole on the stem?

Changing the size, color, shape of the birthmark, as well as the appearance of pain, itching, swelling, bleeding - an occasion to call a specialist. It is the doctor who, by setting a histological analysis, will determine whether the education carries a health hazard. Also, a professional will suggest a way to get rid of a birthmark on the leg. In the arsenal of modern medicine, several techniques that allow quickly and almost painlessly remove dangerous education. The most effective are:

  1. Laser removal , in the course of which the doctor removes the birthmark layer by layer, and in the end conducts moxibustion of blood vessels.
  2. Electrocoagulation - the impact on the problem zone by high-frequency electric current, after which the formation dries.
  3. Removal with a radio-knife is performed under local anesthesia . Radio waves destroy the tissues of a birthmark without causing damage to health.

Those who do not wish to undergo surgical treatment can be recommended:

Attention! If the mole on the leg is in place, which is constantly exposed to physical effects, for example, rubbing the hem of your clothes, and you do not dare to remove it, we advise you to close the education with a medical plaster, and then you should not tear off the patch piece, but you have to wait for it to come off itself.