How to take a shoot from a ficus?

Ficus is quite popular, even among beginning florists, because he is unpretentious in care. Looks like the flower is very attractive and perfectly animates the interior, bringing in it notes of exotics.

It is best to grow this indoor plant from a leaf or shoot. In this article, we will tell you how to take a shoot from a ficus and how to grow it.

How to take the process from the ficus?

If you decide to propagate the ficus with a shoot, you need to cut off the stem from an adult plant with a length of up to 15 cm, making an incision at an acute angle. Next, the process must be placed in warm water for a couple of hours, after which it is processed with wood ash.

How to cut off the shoot from the ficus: cut with a sharp knife, but do not tear off with your hands or scissors, as this will slow the growth and rooting of the plant. On the shoot of the ficus for transplantation, there must be a kidney growth of a new leaf.

It is best to take the shoots in the early spring - in March, as a last resort in April. This period is the best, because before the winter the shoots will have time to take root and grow stronger.

How to grow a ficus from a taken process?

You can either wait for the roots to appear, put the procession in a container of water, or immediately drop it into the ground. For the first variant, cut off the process with two leaves. Lower remove, and the upper one by one third and blot the juice with a tissue. Next, put the shank in the water, where charcoal or a tablet of activated carbon has already been added. The month of the cutting should be in this container in a bright and warm place, but without direct sunlight falling on it. When the root will appear roots, you can put it in the ground.

If you want to immediately land the process into the ground, do this immediately after processing the cut with coal. Put it in a pot of loose earth, cover with a jar or cellophane bag for 3 weeks. When the first new leaf appears on the process, it means that it has taken root and has gone into growth. You can gradually remove the cover, accustoming the plant to the usual conditions.