Apples for weight loss

Useful properties of apples

Apples contain a lot of vitamins, acids and micronutrients. Therefore, they are recommended to use if you want to get rid of extra pounds. Let's figure out how useful apples are for losing weight:

  1. In this fruit, there is pectin, which removes excess fluid and toxins from the human body.
  2. It is best to choose green apples for weight loss, since they are mostly acidic, which means that they have less sugar and more acids.
  3. Fiber , which is in apples, is useful for improving digestion.
  4. Eat these fruits necessarily with a peel and best of all, if you rub them on a grater.
  5. Apples contribute not only to losing weight, but also to improve overall well-being.

There are several options for such a diet, but it is best to start with an easier one so that the body can get used to it. Arrange yourself so-called unloading days on apples. Try to eat about 1.5 kg per day.

First you need to decide which apples are better for losing weight. If you can not eat only fresh green apples for a long time, you can cook them. Ideal option is baked apples for weight loss. This dish will ideally replace so favorite desserts, as in apples for growing thin, baked in the oven, you can add a little honey. In this case, there are no harmful fats and few calories.

Examples of apple diet

Option number 1 . You can eat as many apples a day as you want. Only there is one condition - drink plenty of water.

Option number 2 . Eat fresh or baked apples, but not more than 1.5 kg. In this option, drinking is prohibited at all.

Option number 3 . In addition to apples, you can consume kefir . 6 times a day, eat 1 apple + 1 cup kefir. This option is used by pregnant women.

It is not recommended to eat apples for weight loss, if you have gastritis or increased acidity.