Plum - planting and care

The beautiful fruit tree of the plum pleases the palatable fruit by the middle and the end of summer. Many people like to eat fresh fruit or cook with it compotes, juices, jams and jam. If you have a dacha, you can grow this culture on your land, annually getting a harvest. However, keep in mind that the plum planting and care is not so simple. The tree is rather whimsical and requires special care. But in the end you can get delicate fruits with honey taste.

Plum planting

One of the important nuances in growing fruit is the choice of the site where the plum will be planted. A fruit that flowers beautifully does not always bear fruit. The fact is that the tree prefers sites with good draft protection, it does not tolerate strong winds. In addition, the planting of plum seedlings should be done where there is sufficient sunlight and heat. If possible, select the south side of the site for planting. The place with penumbra for capricious plum does not fit at all, it will give a weak and small crop. In addition, the soil must have good drainage properties, since an excess of moisture adversely affects the condition of the tree.

Planting of plum seedlings should be done in the spring, as many young plants in autumn fall very poorly and die. In autumn, the selected site should be prepared - to make fertilizer, ash (for acidic soils) and dig. In the spring, a few weeks before planting, pits with a width of up to one meter and a depth of half a meter are excavated. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the pits, since different sorts of plums have different spreading of the crown. So, for example, when planting a yellow plum, varieties with fruits of unusual honey taste, the distance between seedlings should reach at least 3 m.

At the bottom of the landing pit is recommended to make a bucket of manure or compost. If there is no organic fertilizer, 500 g of ash or a mixture of 100 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potassium sulfate are substituted for it. After two or three weeks, plum seedlings are planted, neatly covering the young plant in the planting pit in such a way that the root neck is located above the ground. At the end, pour the sink with a bucket of water.

Care of the plum

  1. First of all, in the care of the plum, it should be taken into account that it is a very moisture-loving fruit tree. Do not forget about watering at all, drying it is very bad. The lack of moisture is indicated by cracks in unripe fruits. If there is no rain, under each tree you need to pour in 3 to 6 buckets of water, depending on the size of the tree.
  2. To obtain a good harvest, plant several seedlings of the same variety for pollination. In this case, you will have a harvest.
  3. Every three years a garden tree requires fertilization in the fall. It can be a half-bucket of humus or 20 g of potassium sulfate and 50 g of superphosphate per square meter. Well, in the spring on the ground near the trunk are made with ammonium nitrate.
  4. For the winter plum necessarily require shelter from frost, because it is a thermophilic culture. The trunk of the garden tree at the base is recommended to be wrapped with peat, foliage. When the snow falls, the lower part of the tree is covered also by him.
  5. With regard to such a component of care for the plum as a pruning, it is carried out only as necessary in the spring after the first leaves are blown, removing the damaged and frozen branches, shoots that grow inside the crown. By the way, the branches of the plum are very fragile. Therefore, prepare for the tree props, so that the branches do not break. In winter, with abundant snow, they need to be shaken off.

In general, there are no differences in the cultivation of different types of garden tree. Behind the yellow plum care is the same as the varieties with dark blue fruits. The only thing to consider is the climatic conditions. In winter with strong frosts it is better to give preference to frost-resistant varieties.