Diplanning - reproduction

Dipladeniya is a beautiful ornamental flowering liana of the kutra family. Sometimes it is called Mandevilla, which is caused by their external similarity. However, these are two completely different plants. There are about 40 different types of diplapation.

Thanks to the ability to twist the supports with their stems, which give abundant flowering from May to late autumn, the plant took an honorable place among the room and greenhouse flowers.

Dipple flowers have a funnel-shaped shape up to 8 cm in diameter. They stay on the stem for a long time - up to two to three weeks. Color of flowers is mostly pink, although sometimes there are plants with purple or white inflorescences.

Planting diplodanii and caring for the plant

Dippleenia needs an annual transplant, it's best done in the early spring. Plant the plant in a special soil mixture, one part consisting of sand and two - from a clay-sod mixture. Or you can use one part of humus and sand and two parts of this type of fertilizer like peat.

Contain a diplode in conditions close to the tropical climate. Ideally suitable is a well-lit place on the south side of the dwelling. At the same time, avoid direct sun rays that cause burns to the leaves.

The temperature should be within 18-25 degrees, the room should be regularly ventilated. Watering the diplitea requires abundant, it is impossible to tolerate the drying of the soil. In this case, water for irrigation should not be cold and stiff. Also need to regularly spray the leaves, avoiding splashing on the flowers.

How to multiply diplanding?

Reproduction of the dipload is made by means of cuttings. Cuttings should be cut in the spring-summer period from the young tips of the shoots. Cut them at an angle, grabbing 2 pairs of leaves, then remove the 2 lower leaves from the cuttings.

To reproduce the flower of diplapia at home, it is necessary to plant the prepared cuttings in a moist sandy soil and cover them cover. Before this the cuttings are treated with phytohormones and buried in the ground to the base of the leaves.

The soil for transplantation should consist of sand, peat and chopped sphagnum moss. It is advisable to plant the cuttings in a greenhouse with heated soil. To water them it is necessary within 3-4 weeks, slightly opening a roof of a hothouse for airing.

When the cuttings take root, they must be transplanted into separate pots. They grow quite quickly and can give the first flowering in the same year.