Where is Prince Harry arranging his "stag party" before the wedding?

The press is slowly getting interesting details related to the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry and Megan Markle. So, the future spouse of the American actress has already taken care of organizing his "farewell party". In any case, the location is chosen and this is the famous Swiss resort Verbier.

This place enjoys a special love of the members of the British royal family. One of Prince Harry's friends told secretly to journalists that he dreams of making a really loud farewell to the status of a bachelor.

The prince's desire is the law. The security team, which is responsible for its safety, has already arrived in Switzerland and has carefully studied the famous bar Le Vache, which Prince Harry chose for his holiday. This place is highly appreciated by the European elite, first of all for delicious dishes from Chef Heston Blumenthal.

Curious details

The bride, Megan Markle, does not lag behind his lover. She has also decided on the scenario for the upcoming bachelorette party, and the venue is also known - Megan and her friends want to have fun in sunny California.

The next item of the program is a joint pre-holiday party for young people in the UK, namely the polo club that Harry loves so much.

Signed place

What do we know about Verbier? This resort at various times visited all the relatives of Prince Harry, it is here that they love to spend the winter holidays.

In Verbier he liked the place of Prince Harry's uncle - Prince Andrew, Duke of York. The middle son of Her Majesty Elizabeth II has her own villa - Chalet Helora.

However, this place became famous not because of Prince Andrew, but thanks to his nephew, Prince William. In the spring of 2017, he went to rest in Switzerland without his faithful and started all the hard. Once Prince William drank too much and had a great fun with a girl named Sophie Taylor. The ubiquitous paparazzi photographed a couple, and these pictures immediately circled all the tabloids of the world.

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Of course, the image of the heir to the throne was badly damaged. The house of Prince William was waiting for an angry wife, although there was no fact of treason, so soon the world reigned between William and Catherine.