Inflammation of the kidneys - symptoms in women

Under the inflammation of the kidneys, which is quite common in women and whose symptoms will be discussed below, it is customary to understand the disorder of the glomeruli, tubules and parenchymal tissue of the organ. In this case, first of all, the glomerular apparatus of the kidney, which is the main part of the renal-pelvic system, is damaged. Let's take a closer look at this kind of disorder, and try to name the main signs of kidney inflammation in women.

How is nephritis manifested clinically?

To begin with, it must be said that the symptomatology of such a disorder is not directly related to the type of inflammatory process. So, in medicine it is customary to allocate pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and interstitial nephritis. Despite the fact that this is 3 completely different violations, they can be identified only with the help of an ultrasound machine.

As a rule, at the beginning of the development of the disease, women begin to feel a kind of general weakness, the explanation of which can not be found. In such situations, many women write off everything for fatigue, exhausting work.

Only the fact that literally 2-3 days after the appearance of fatigue begins to reflect the loss of appetite, dryness in the oral cavity, the presence of strong thirst begins to reflect on the woman. To this symptomatology, literally the next day, and sometimes immediately, soreness in the lumbar region, headache, is added. There is a decrease in daily diuresis, i.e. Urine is much less, despite the fact that often the total number of visits to the toilet per day remains the same.

With further development of the disturbance, general health, increased body temperature, the appearance of nausea and even vomiting are noted. At the same time, there may be a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea develops.

Because of the violation of the processes of urine, often there are convulsions, muscle pains, severe weakness. This is due to the washing out of potassium ions from the body, which ultimately can affect the work of the cardiovascular system.

At the same time, there is an increase in puffiness, which first becomes noticeable in the face and hands. In some cases, this symptomatology is so pronounced that it limits the motor activity. If there is inflammation of the kidneys during pregnancy, of all the symptoms, the presence of edema greatly complicates the diagnosis.

Speaking about the symptoms and signs of inflammation of the kidneys, we can not fail to mention the change in the quality of the excreted urine. After all, in some cases it is this fact that makes one consult a doctor. So, first of all there is a change in transparency: urine becomes cloudy, it is often seen in the "flakes", which indicate the presence of blood cells.

Features of the therapeutic process for nephritis

Having told about the main symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys, noted in women, we will consider the peculiarities of the treatment of the disease.

So, first of all physicians establish the reason which has led to infringement. To do this, appoint a general blood test, urine, spend ultrasound of the kidneys. Only then do they start therapy.

It should be noted that the acute form of nephritis is always treated in a hospital. The basis of therapeutic measures in such cases are injections and intravenous diuretics (Indapamide, Diacarb), antihistamines (Desloratadine, Fexofenadine), calcium preparations (calcium gluconate), rutin, ascorbic acid. Patients are prescribed a diet with a restriction of salt and consumed liquid.

Dosages, the frequency and duration of medication are set individually.