Sopor - what is this state and how to get a person out of sopor?

Sopor is considered a pathology, it is an unproductive kind of violation of human consciousness that occurs in a variety of situational moments and is close to coma. This condition is also called a subcoma, it is similar to loss and loss of consciousness and is considered something middle between syncope and coma.

Sopor - what is it?

Sopor is a neurological suppression of consciousness, when a person loses the ability to move, but at the same time all reflexes remain. A man in a crooked state can not show a reaction to the surrounding conditions, he can not perform simple tasks and ignores any question addressed to him. To lead a person out of this state is problematic, often for this severe pain effects in the form of tweaks, injections.

Sopor - reasons

In neurology, a co-morbid state arises because of:

Among the metabolic causes can be identified:

Also, a soporific condition occurs due to hypoxia, asphyxia, or heart failure. Often a subcoma is due to a severe hypertensive crisis, heat stroke, hypothermia, sepsis, poisoning with toxins. The duration of such a state can take only a few seconds or several months.

Signs of the Dospora

The state of the colt is characterized by the following features:

  1. Reduction of reactions to irritation, while retaining reflexes of swallowing, breathing and corneal reflex.
  2. Uncontrolled movement, in clinical cases, murmuring.
  3. Cramps, tension of the neck muscles.
  4. Change in the sensitivity of the skin, paralysis of the limbs, weakness of certain muscle groups.

Changes in brain reactions cause the appearance of:

What is the difference between a coma and a sopor?

The disturbance of consciousness has several degrees, among them the sopor occupies the middle position:

  1. Stunning when the level of consciousness decreases, speech contacts are limited, behavioral reactions are violated. Stunning causes the appearance of delirium, hallucinations, frequent palpitations, high blood pressure.
  2. Coma, characterized by complete lack of consciousness. It can be mild, when deep reflexes remain normal. Deep degree of coma is characterized by the absence of reflexes, pronounced hypotension, impaired breathing and the work of the cardiovascular system. At an extreme degree of coma, the pupils are dilated, there are no reactions, all vital functions are violated.

The degree of such states as sopor and coma is determined using a special Glasgow scale, where each reaction is characterized by a certain numerical value. The highest score is assigned in case of normal behavior, and the lowest score is assigned to the absence of reflexes. Who is confirmed if the score on the scale of "Glasgow" is eight or less points. If we talk about what is a sopor, a violation of consciousness in this case is an intermediate variant between stunning and coma.

How long does the co-morbid state last?

The duration of the subcommission is determined by the cause that caused this condition and the degree of brain damage. So, for example, if the ailment is caused by a concussion of the brain, this condition can last several minutes, although cases where such a state lasts more than a day are not uncommon. A deep sopor is manifested by a deep loss of consciousness , a condition from which a person can only be partially withdrawn after repeated attempts of shaking, loud treatment and pricks.

How to get a person out of sopor?

If any signs of loss of consciousness are revealed, the doctor should be consulted immediately. To fully identify the co-morbid state, physicians examine the biochemical and toxicological analysis of blood, urine, conduct electroencephalography, MRI, lumbar puncture. If there is a scathing, emergency care is carried out as follows:

  1. When the brain is concussed, cerebral circulation is disturbed, physicians put the patient in bed, introduce dehydrating and vasodilating agents.
  2. Normalize the function of respiration and circulation, if necessary, spend intubation.
  3. If there are signs of injury, the neck is immobilized using an orthopedic collar.

It is important to initially eliminate the cause of oppression of consciousness, this is done in the intensive care unit, where the vital functions of the body are controlled and maintained. The patient is intravenously administered all the necessary medicines. Since the ailment can last a long time, it is important to effectively care for the patient, to perform procedures, to prevent bedsores and contractures.

Sopor - consequences

A soporous state is a complete extinction of the arbitrary capacity of the brain. After exiting the sopor, consequences may arise. They directly depend on the adequacy and timeliness of therapeutic care. If the subcomis was caused by a hemorrhagic stroke, in most cases it ends with the death of the patient. If, after three days after the myocardium, the patient does not react pupils, motor reaction to pain stimuli, then the chances of a successful outcome are minimal.