How does the cork look before giving birth, what will its appearance look like?

Departure of the mucous plug is one of the harbingers of the forthcoming birth . Immediately this process indicates the imminent beginning of delivery. Let us examine the phenomenon in more detail, find out what the cork looks like before coming out of the genital tract, what are the signs of its separation.

Do cork always leave before delivery?

Mucous plug before delivery always departs, however, the process itself can occur both in a few weeks, and for a couple of hours. At the same time in primiparous women, the cork compartment occurs about 14 days. In re-births, this process is observed later - 7 days before the onset of the birth process. At the same time, there is no definite time when the mucous plug comes out. In the case of moles, this phenomenon is often carried out simultaneously with the outflow of amniotic fluid.

How does the cork go away in pregnant women before giving birth?

Before you talk about how the cork comes out before giving birth, find out what kind of education. Mucous congestion is the accumulation of secreted by the cervix fluid, which closes the entrance to the uterus. Its main function is to protect the internal genital organs and fetus from pathogenic microorganisms. Closer to childbirth, as the cervix of the uterus is smoothed, its opening is noted. This process leads to the ejection of the cork to the outside, through the vagina.

A woman may not notice this. In most cases, the cork comes out on a morning visit to the toilet. The process itself can be accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen , giving to the sacrum. Their intensity is low, so pregnant women may not attach importance to this. Some women in the situation find out about the decayed traffic jam when viewed in a gynecological chair. Answering the question, how long does the cork go before giving birth, doctors say about its one-stage allocation.

How does the cork come off before giving birth to the first-born?

Women who are preparing to become a mom for the first time often have a question about how much the cork goes before giving birth to the first-born. Doctors do not give him a specific answer, pointing to the individuality of each female body. The process itself begins 2 weeks before the calculated date of delivery. In this case, the cork can depart, either simultaneously or gradually. Often pregnant women notice an increase in discharge shortly before birth. They have a slightly different consistency.

It is important to be able to distinguish the isolation of the mucous plug from the leakage of amniotic fluid, which is not uncommon for long gestation periods. With this violation:

How does the cork go away before giving birth to the miscreants?

In women who give birth repeatedly, this process proceeds rapidly and earlier than in the first-born. It is necessary to say that the departure of the cork before the birth in the re-birth can occur immediately a few hours before the appearance of the baby in the light (3-4 hours). There are cases when the mucous plug before birth in the miscarriages was separated along with the discharge of amniotic fluid. In view of their experience, matings do not confuse this phenomenon, and after it has passed, they can independently assume the exact date of the baby's birth.

Departure of the cork before delivery - how does it look?

Many pregnant women are interested in the answer to the question about how the mucous plug appears before going out. Doctors describe several possible variations of its form:

From what has been written above it follows - to say unequivocally how the cork looks before delivery is difficult. The appearance of the mucous plug varies from pregnant to pregnant. In addition, even for the same woman, with different pregnancies, she can be outwardly different. For the most part, this clot is not colored, or has insignificant bloody patches. The very fact that the plug looks like before the forthcoming birth does not have a diagnostic value. An important role is played solely by the time it leaves the genital tract. This process indicates a slight opening of the cervix.

What does a mucous plug look like in pregnant women?

Outgoing traffic before delivery is often compared by the pregnant women themselves with a thick, uniform egg white. Consistency of this education can vary. If the plug does not go off immediately, the pregnant women talk about intensifying the vaginal discharge. At the same time they are thick, they can leave traces on the underwear. The period of separation of the plug may last several days. To rule out leakage of amniotic fluid, it is better to consult a doctor about this, to undergo an examination.

Mucous plug of pink color

Having understood how the mucous plug looks like in pregnant women, it should be noted that it itself may differ. So a cork with blood before giving birth often causes panic in a pregnant woman. In this case, doctors point out the normality of this phenomenon. The plug itself can be painted in a pink tint. This color is given to her by the blood, which is released from small blood vessels - in the process of opening the neck, they can be traumatized. In this case, blood from the genital tract is not secreted. The future mother feels fine.

Mucous plug of brown color

Brown plug before delivery indicates the presence of blood in it, which under the influence of body temperature, changed its color. This can occur if there is damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix. This is noted with erosion , which could have occurred even before the onset of pregnancy. Minor discharge of blood from the vessels of this anatomical formation, stain the cork in a dark red and even brown color.

Mucous plug of white color

Telling pregnant women about the color of the cork before birth should be, doctors say that it often has a white tint. This color is given to it by the normal microflora of the reproductive system, which is contained in this formation in large numbers. Often the cork is transparent, has no color. Outwardly it resembles a small, lumpy lump of thick mucus.

Talking about how the cork looks before giving birth, doctors note that fungi of the genus Candida can give it a partially white color. Often, with the onset of pregnancy, there is an increase in this microflora, because of the changed hormonal background. Pregnant in the early stages captures the appearance of white, curdled discharge. Immediately they can linger in the neck when thickening the mucus, forming a cork. This phenomenon doctors regard as a variant of the norm, if the additional symptomatology does not develop.

Mucous plug of greenish color

Being interested in the leading pregnancy of a gynecologist, what kind of cork goes away before birth, the future mother does not receive a specific answer. Doctors always point to the individuality of this formation. In some cases, on the eve of the forthcoming births, a greenish plug may escape from the genital tract. This coloration is due to the presence of an infectious process in the reproductive system. Often, women begin to plan pregnancy without getting ready. This directly and is the cause of exacerbation of chronic diseases during gestation.