Which wallpaper is better?

Very often an inexperienced buyer is faced with a legitimate question, and what kind of wallpaper is best for a particular room. Let's try to sort out in order and start by choosing the color of the wallpaper.

What color is better wallpaper?

Well, in this issue there should not be any special difficulties. The color of the wallpaper is selected, based on all known parameters - the area of ​​the room, its illumination and orientation to the sides of the world, ceiling height, the dominant shade of objects and objects in the room, its functional purpose and style of decoration. For light, spacious rooms, you can choose wallpaper more saturated colors. A small room visually widens the wallpaper of light, pastel shades. For rooms located on the north side choose wallpaper warm colors, and for southern rooms, respectively, cold. For living rooms, as a rule, the wallpaper is selected more vivid, whereas in the bedroom or in the children's room the wallpaper of "quiet" tones is more appropriate.

Which wallpaper to choose?

After defining the color of the wallpaper, you should choose wallpaper, focusing on the functional purpose of a particular room. After all, the wallpaper, which will be finished with a living room or bedroom, is not at all suitable for a hallway or kitchen. There are no special difficulties here, but, nevertheless, it should be understood. Let's start what's called from the doorstep, and determine which wallpaper is best to choose for the hallway. Since the hallway is a kind of line between the street and the house, it is quite clear that it is here that most of the dirt is present. Even if you are a pedant of cleanliness, the hallway will never be a perfectly clean place. What can we say about families in which there are small children or pets. Therefore, for the hallway, you should choose wallpaper that is easy to clean and even wash, for example vinyl. Suitable so-called washable wallpaper (in fact - the usual wallpaper, but with a moisture resistant coating). Ideal for the hallway ekooboi from cork or bamboo.

Next - what kind of wallpaper is better to choose for the kitchen. In principle, the requirements for wallpaper for the kitchen are the same as for the hallway. The kitchen, although not the dirtiest place in the house, but the conditions here are specific - high humidity, the possibility of getting fat. Therefore, washable wallpaper on a non-woven basis with a vinyl coating - this is almost an ideal option.

Now let's try to figure out which wallpaper is best for the living room. The fact that for the living room, as a representative room in the house, you should choose the wallpaper is beautiful, it should not be reminded. This room is suitable for almost all types of wallpaper. But, paper and fabric, as well as some types of vinyl wallpaper can burn in the sun - consider this, choosing wallpaper for the "southern" living rooms. More practical non-woven and liquid wallpaper, as well as fiberglass wallpaper. By the way, when deciding which wallpaper is best, take a look at the liquid wallpaper. They are made on the basis of cotton, that is eco-friendly; antistatic - they will not settle dust; have excellent sound-absorbing performance; Easily applied even on a non-perfectly flat surface; the minor defects of the wallpaper itself are also easily removed; do not require specific care. Taking into account all the above characteristics, we can assume that liquid wallpaper perfectly suited not only for the living room, but also for the bedroom.

What other wallpaper is best for a bedroom? Suitable any - from the most affordable paper to (according to the increasing depending on the price) vinyl, non-woven and textile.

Now the most important question is which wallpaper is best for children? Ideal - paper and non-woven, they do not cause allergies. An acceptable option is liquid wallpaper .

Ceiling Wallpapers

It is not such a rarity to decorate the ceiling with wallpaper. But, here's the question - which wallpaper is better to paste on the ceiling? Each of the types of wallpaper (paper, vinyl, fiberglass, non-woven, liquid) have their pros and cons (we focus on a specific case - pasting the ceiling). But for the aggregate of all indicators the best option is flizeline wallpaper .