Slimming after childbirth

Having lost a sweet pussy, all the young mummies dream of again getting into "thin" things, flaunting in a short dress and rejoice at the return grace and lightness. Some people succeed, but for many all dreams end in disappointment. The kilograms collected for pregnancy are firmly frozen on the hips and stomach and are in no hurry.

Of course, this forces complexion and sometimes leads to depression. How to avoid this and quickly return to the old slender forms? There are several methods for losing weight after childbirth and all of them bring their results.

Slimming after childbirth with a properly organized diet

Often, moms are so addicted to caring for the baby that they forget about food. But when the baby slept sweetly, the hungry stomach makes itself felt, and then Mom rushes headlong to the refrigerator, sweeping everything off the shelves. This regime leads to the fact that the body intensively accumulates calories, being afraid of another hungry period.

Train yourself to eat 4-5 times a day, in small portions. To make it easier, tie your regimen to the regime of the baby. Make a rule to eat and drink half an hour before you are going to breastfeed. Then, and the milk will be in abundance, and your diet will promote weight loss.

Effective weight loss after delivery: lactation

It is not for nothing that they say that those mothers who feed their babies come to the form after 9-12 months after delivery. Of course, this happens only in the case when a woman under the pretext of feeding does not fall into gluttony. Food "for two" is not justified, and the desire for everything that is fatter and more satisfying, leads to such results, which will be difficult to get rid of even with the help of diet and fitness.

Losing weight: more movement

Charge is a great way to lose weight after giving birth. But not always moms have time to go to aerobics classes or engage in gymnastics at home. An excellent alternative is a quick walk. Do not be lazy to go out walking with a stroller several times a day. And thus there is no sense to sit on a bench - to go and only to go! 3 hours of active walking replace the hour of training on the simulators.

When the baby is a little older, you can combine exercises with him and exercise for your mother. There are many special exercises in which mom and baby are involved - such activities are not only useful for losing weight, but also bring a lot of joy from communicating with a beloved child. Yes, and the child itself will be delighted with the joint active recreation with Mom.

Means for losing weight with lactation: pills, drugs for losing weight nursing mother

Pregnant and lactating women are extremely not recommended to use radical measures for losing weight: take diet pills, go for surgery, sit on strict diets. All this negatively affects the body and the health of the mother and baby, and in addition, the weight after that quickly returns. Moreover, the skin becomes flabby and sagging.

It is not recommended to drink tea for weight loss, laxative tablets - they are not useful for the body, especially if you are breastfeeding. The effect of the tablets can affect the baby, who will suffer from permanent diarrhea by dehydration.

It is better not to strive for a sharp weight loss after childbirth, it will only bring problems with the endocrine system. It is much more useful to lose weight gradually, making a diet menu for the nursing. It must necessarily include foods rich in calcium (fish, cheese, dairy products) and proteins (nuts, legumes, meat, poultry, fish). The main thing - regular meals in small portions. And do not forget about physical activity.