
In our day, the belief in the transmigration of souls is not common to everyone. However, this phenomenon periodically produces surprising confirmation. For example, a 24-year-old Russian woman Natalia Beketova suddenly remembered her past lives ... and spoke in ancient languages ​​and dialects. Now this case is thoroughly investigated. This is by no means the only case: American scientist Jan Stevenson has registered and described already 2000 such cases.

The doctrine of the transmigration of souls

From a long time, the theory of the transmigration of souls is of interest to mankind. Since the 1960s, this issue has been actively developed by a number of American scientists, as a result of which even the corresponding chairs appeared at the Institute of Parapsychology. Later, their followers organized the Association for Therapy and Studies of Past Lives. The idea of ​​the transmigration of souls is that after the death of a physical body, the soul of a person is capable of reborn in another body.

The question of whether there is a relocation of souls can only be determined in one way: if the truth of the memories of people who claim to remember their previous reincarnations is proven. There are several types of memory of the past:

  1. Deja vu (translated from French as "already seen") is a psychic phenomenon that many people occasionally encounter. At some point a person begins to feel that he already was in such a situation and knows what will happen. However, this is a game of imagination.
  2. Genetic memory is a kind of deep memories in which the subconscious reveals information about the ancestors. Typically, such memories can be confirmed during a hypnosis session .
  3. Reincarnation is a sudden recollection of the lives of people in whose bodies the soul once lived. It is believed that the migration of the soul after death is possible from 5 to 50 times. Typically, memories of this kind come only in special situations: with mental disorders, head shots, during trance or hypnosis sessions. At present, there is no single answer to the question of whether there is a relocation of souls.

Supporters of reincarnation, or relocation of souls, are confident that past lives can influence the real life of a person. For example, phobias, which are known to have no explanation, are interpreted with the help of memories of past lives. For example, claustrophobia can be found in a person who was trampled in a crowd in a past life, and fear of heights of the one who crashed, falling from the hill.

As a rule, the transmigration of souls in Christianity is not recognized - after death the soul must go to expect the second coming of Christ and the terrible judgment.

Resettlement of souls: real cases

When a person declares that he remembers his previous incarnation. His words are critical. As evidence, it requires some historical evidence, the ability to speak one of the ancient languages, the presence of common scars, scratches and moles in two people in whose bodies the soul lived. As a rule, people who remembered themselves in the past had any injuries or abnormalities.

For example, a girl born without a single foot, remembered herself as a young woman caught under a train. As a result, she was amputated leg, but she still did not survive. This case was confirmed by forensic medical protocols, and it is far from the only one.

And the boy, born with a scar on his head, remembered that he had died in an earlier life with an ax. This case was confirmed by official evidence.

Often, incidents of reincarnation can be recorded if you listen to the stories of children from 2 to 5 years old. Surprisingly, the events described by them are often confirmed by real facts, although the child, of course, could not know about this person. It is believed that by the age of 8, the memory of past lives completely disappears - except in cases when a person has suffered a trauma or suffers from a mental disorder.