Effective weight loss methods

If you need to get rid of several kilograms in a short time, there are several effective ways to lose weight. Among the many options you can choose the most suitable for your body.

Color Option

This fast and effective way to lose weight will help to lose up to 3 kg of excess weight. The main reason - every day you need to eat products of a specific color, which contain few calories.

  1. The first day is white. Example of permitted products: skimmed milk products, egg white, chicken and the like.
  2. The second day is yellow . Permitted products: carrots, orange, yellow apples.
  3. The third day is red. Example products: meat, pepper, pomegranate, grapefruit and so on.
  4. The fourth day is purple. You can eat: aubergines, black currant caviar and so on.
  5. The fifth day is green. Permitted products: cucumbers, kiwi, greens, lettuce, grapes .
  6. The sixth day is orange. Example products: the same as on a yellow day.
  7. The seventh day is colorless. It is allowed to drink only water.


This is the most effective way to lose weight, which is very popular with modern girls. You can eat as many porridges as you want every day until you feel hungry. The porridge can be cooked or simply boiled with boiling water for several hours. But you can not supplement it with something, it's about salt and oil. On an ordinary cereal you can lose up to 3 kg of excess weight.

Effective weight loss folk ways

Most often, women use herbs and prepare from them teas and various decoctions, for example, from dandelion, green, as well as tea from several types of herbs. Another popular remedy that helps to lose weight is a lemon .

To understand what is the most effective way to lose weight for you, try a few of them and draw a conclusion, judging by the result.