Games for the development of logic

Most people believe that the presence of logical thinking in the child is laid genetically - it is or is, or it is not. Someone by nature is able to think logically, someone - no, what can you do about it. In fact, the logic of the child can be developed. Exercises for the development of logic are not at all complicated, do not require special expenses - neither temporary, nor material. To begin lessons on development of logic at children costs from the earliest age. Go to the lessons of developing logic with all responsibility and you will appreciate the result - your child will have the ability to express his thoughts clearly, to give a clear and convincing argument in defense of his beliefs, to easily comprehend the exact sciences in school. Organize classes for the development of your child's logic will not be difficult and very interesting. How to approach this issue and where to start?

Development of logic in preschool children

  1. Exercises for the development of logic in preschoolers can begin to be carried out literally from the diapers - to collect and dismantle the pyramid, to fold cubes in size and colors - that's a wonderful way to develop logic in kids.
  2. For kids who already know how to talk as a training of logical thinking, games in which you need to figure out how to finish the phrase will work. You can talk about everything that comes to your eyes - about plants (what a tree ... big, and a bush ... small), about animals, about people, about time (at night we ... sleep, and in the afternoon ... walk).
  3. For children older than three years in the game you need to enter a mathematical component. To do this, you need to prepare pictures of birds, flowers, animals, different objects. Design for the kid tasks in which he must decompose these drawings in different sequences, depending on what is painted on them.
  4. You can draw various geometric shapes, let the child continue your design, paint them with felt-tip pens of the same color as the outline.
  5. As an exercise for the development of logic in preschoolers, various puzzles, designers, mosaics, appliques will perfectly suit. Finding suitable for the color, size and shape of the details will develop in the child perseverance, imagination and logical thinking.
  6. The game in the store will also serve as an excellent simulator for the logical thinking of the baby, because in the process it will be necessary to sort the items according to various signs, to form a logical chain for the sale of goods-to get, pack, give, receive money.

The development of logic in younger schoolchildren

At the age of 6-7 years, the child develops verbal-logical thinking.

  1. Offer a child to compare a couple of words, the child should have an idea of ​​what should be compared. Ask the child questions about each word from the pair, give the job to compare them. The child should make a comparison on the essential, main, and not by random signs.
  2. Give the child the task to come up with the words that you begin to pronounce. The more different words he comes up with, the better.
  3. Ask the child a sequence of words. Each sequence includes 4-5 words, one of which does not coincide with the others on some basis and must be deleted.
  4. It is necessary to exclude an extra picture from the series of 4-5.
  5. The child should bring the greatest number of words pertaining to any concept.
  6. The child must find the maximum number of ways to use an object.
  7. The child should describe the meaning of each word from the sequence to the person who does not know it.

Before each task, you need to clarify the child, does he understand the essence of the task, does the meaning of all words in it know. Do not hurry the child, tell him, you can only ask leading questions.