White dots on the face

Cosmetic defects on the skin often cause anxiety, and white dots, or white spots, as they are sometimes called, are no exception. Most often white spots around the eyes and eyelids are formed, with oily skin you can often see white dots on the forehead, on the chin and cheeks, in the nose. In rare cases, white dots appear at the corners of the lips and on the upper lip. Cosmetologists and dermatologists are slow to make a diagnosis without examination, since in some cases more serious diseases can disappear under the guise of a harmless cosmetic problem. Experts strictly do not advise removing white dots, especially not having found out the reasons of occurrence of white points on the face.

Why do white dots appear?

Most often small white dots on the face are miliums. In dermatology, milioms are called retention cysts, which are formed due to blockage of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Often the cause of this is a violation of liver function and cardiac activity. The impact of external factors, such as ultraviolet rays, can also lead to the formation of milium. There are also pseudomilliums, which are formed due to trauma of the upper layers of the skin. Externally, the milums look like small white balls that are under the skin. They are dense to the touch, painless, and for a long time can remain unchanged. White dots on the face around the eyes and on the eyelids often turn out to be just miloons.

With seborrhea can form microretent cysts of the sebaceous glands, which outwardly can resemble milium, but the treatment, of course, will differ.

Enough often milium confused with shellfish, which can have serious consequences. Contagious mollusc is an infectious disease that is transmitted by contact even with the things of the patient. The mollusk is a papule that rises above the skin, which can sometimes become inflamed and blush. Papules are easily opened, which leads to damage to surrounding areas of the skin and the spread of infection.

The cause of the formation of white spots on the upper lip and in the mouth area may be the deposition of lipoproteins, which is not a disease and is considered the norm. Such points are much smaller than milium, they are practically not probed and do not cause painful sensations.

How to get rid of white spots on the face?

After the diagnosis is approved, the beautician or dermatologist can prescribe the following procedures for treating white spots on the face:

Self-removal of points can lead to infection, damage to surrounding tissue, scarring and inflammation. It is especially dangerous at home to remove white dots around the eyes and eyelids, moreover it is rather painful.

In prophylactic purposes, it is necessary to properly take care of the skin, wisely and regularly cleanse and protect it from the effects of external factors, as well as use suitable cosmetics that do not contain components that clog pores. Since most often there are white dots on the face around the eyes, this area should be given special attention. Even at a young age, you should use a special cream for the eyelids, which tones the skin and maintains the water-lipid balance. In addition, when there are white spots, it is recommended to revise the diet. Fat food, an abundance of sweet and flour dishes do not contribute to improving the skin condition. And if you have cosmetic problems, you should contact the professionals to take the necessary measures in time.