Exercises to correct posture

If you conduct an experiment to find people with perfect posture , the results will be disappointing. All the fault of the features of modern life, for example, frequent being in the wrong posture in front of the computer, lifting weights, etc. To correct this situation, it is necessary to perform exercises to improve posture. The correct position of the back is important not only affects the appearance, but also directly affects the health. To achieve results, it is important to train regularly.

Complex exercises for posture

The best and most useful direction for the alignment and strengthening of the spine is yoga. Everything is done at a slow pace, which allows you to control the work of muscles. All considered poses are simple, but they have their own nuances, which should be taken into account.

Exercises to correct posture:

  1. To take the necessary position, lean forward, placing emphasis on the hands. The palms should be firmly pressed to the floor, and fingers spread out, with the middle finger pointing forward. The arms should be stretched, with the shoulders slightly pointing outward, which will open the chest. Relax the neck and stretch the coccyx in the ceiling. The back should be flat and stretched. First, you can perform the exercise while standing on your toes and only drop your heels off the floor. If everything is done correctly, then the breathing will be even, and yet the opening of the body should be felt without any discomfort.
  2. One of the most popular and effective exercises for the posture of the back, which is called "Cobra". There are several variants of execution, consider one of them, which can be performed only if there are no problems with the lower back. Lay down on the floor, putting your hands under your shoulders, and then, straighten them and lift your stomach and legs with your knees above the floor. It is important not to hang on your hands, as this can lead to a displacement of the vertebrae. It is necessary to stretch the body from the crown to the fingertips. Take your shoulders back, and then, down. The thorax should be opened, and the neck is elongated. The shoulders should be located above the palms and even slightly hang over the fingers.
  3. Another useful exercise for strengthening the posture, for which the left hand should grasp the ankle of the left leg. Raise your leg before the thigh is parallel to the floor, and the toe of the foot should be pointed upwards. The hand should be straight, and the elbow pointing upwards. To maintain balance, extend the other arm forward and keep it parallel to the floor.