Raw diet for weight loss

In the world, there are many different diets, and not enough life to try them all. Diets are divided into species depending on the country, on the products included in the composition and on the duration. And you, for sure, know that almost all diets have a short duration: from three days to a couple of months.

And no matter how it sounded regrettable, it is necessary to recognize that diets are ineffective for the discharge of excess weight and its retention. And all because they dramatically knock you out of the habitual diet. You forcibly consume the products on the list and as a result of the sharp cuts in the diet you quickly lose an unlimited amount of kilograms. But attention: after the diet has come to an end, you again type or collect these the thrown kgs, moreover and with an increase. And you lament why you suffered so much and everything returned. The fact is that during the diet the organism experiences stress, it considers the current situation as extreme and in the future it stores kilograms in the reserve.

What is the difference between raw food and other types of food?

It's no secret that in order to lose excess pounds and improve health, we need to eat only live foods. It is on this principle that raw food is based.

It implies the use of living plant products that have not undergone any treatment (thermal, chemical). It is believed that any treatment kills live food-enzymes in food, as a result, nothing useful remains in it, and even vice versa - such food harms the stomach. After all, it takes much more time to digest it. Raw food is also called the nutrition of the Stone Age and it's not hard to guess why.

Raw food as a way to lose weight

Recently, raw food has become popular as a means of losing weight. And this is understandable. People who switched to this type of food, almost immediately lose weight without any harm to the body. They do not experience hunger, because they do not limit themselves in the use of raw foods, they do not get bored with such food, because the range of products for the raw food is huge. Uninitiated may seem that the ration of raw food is not rich, but in fact, products that are allowed to eat a huge amount. Here is an approximate list of raw food products:


If you still decide to switch to a raw diet, offer you a few dishes of raw food. They are very useful and tasty!

Salad "Scarlet Sea"



We cut beets with straws, cut onions. Sea kale and seeds of milk thistle are sent to the coffee grinder. The resulting mixture is poured with linseed oil and leave for 3 minutes, so that the oil is absorbed. These products give a very tasty combination and have a beneficial effect on liver function. After 3 minutes have passed, we mix all the products and the salad is ready for use. This salad will be especially liked by those who are just switching to raw food.

Watermelon and melon salad with blueberries, mint and basil



The basis of the salad is a watermelon and melon. Take a special round spoon for ice cream and cut out balls from them. Thus, we should have three glasses of watermelon and melon. All the other ingredients are needed for the preparation of the sauce. To do this, they are placed in a blender and then added to the balls. We adorn the salad with herbs and can enjoy! What do you get?

On raw food, believe me, you can talk endlessly. Who tried to "sit" on it for at least two months, returning to the usual type of food and seeing all the shortcomings, decide to switch to a raw diet completely. Try it or not - it's up to you, we just list the main benefits that you get by eating live foods:

Such "pluses" of raw food can be listed a lot. In general, your body will work much better, your mind will become purer, you will always be cheerful and cheerful as ever!