Burning ears - a sign

Among a number of people's signs - the ears are burning the most common and truthful sign. As a rule, the ears begin to burn in a certain situation, just because nothing happens. Firstly, it can be a shame caused by an awkward situation, and maybe a strong excitement , or even a stress, that a person is experiencing at the moment. All this testifies to the inner state of a person, which does not always manifest externally.

The meaning of the sign "Burning ears"

The most famous definition, signs, why ears burn, memories of someone about this person are considered. Long ago people noticed that when a person was praised, scolded, insulted, remembered, let even behind him, then all these actions somehow manifested themselves in that person's body: he sneezed, ears, cheeks, and face burned. Accordingly, up to our time, this explanation of this sign has come down.

"Lights" the left ear

If the left ear burns, then this sign means that you are just remembered. This does not necessarily mean that they remember you on a bad subject. You can be remembered by relatives, relatives or friends who simply mentioned you in the conversation or missed you.

If you are in the company of people, then the folk sign - the left ear is burning, means that someone from those around you has spoken about you untruth. It could be a special slander or an accidental lie.

"Lights" the right ear

Another value has a mark when the ear burns right. In this case, there are two explanations. The first is that someone scolds you very angrily, condemns, trying to show you from the worst side, changing the opinion of many people about you and thus trying to quarrel with many of you.

The second explanation of the people's sign, when the right ear is burning, there is something that you, perhaps someone is looking for. It can be like a close person, and an old friend with whom you have not seen for a very long time and who is looking for you. In this case, the right ear will burn until you find that person and you do not meet or contact him.

Do not forget that, despite the people's signs, which, although stored and transmitted for centuries, their meaning and definition can not always be exact. It is worth knowing their designation, as well as being guided by the necessary information, but always remember that there are individual cases - exceptions.