What does a smoked fish dream about?

Smoked fish appear in a dream extremely rarely, therefore, in order to correctly explain this symbol, it is necessary to take into account all the details: how it looked, what you did with it, what feelings at that moment experienced, etc. Thanks to this you will get the most truthful interpretation.

What does a smoked fish dream about?

The dream in which the smoked fish appears is a warning that at this time the risk is increased, to fall under another's negative influence . Please note that this may end up in prison for you. If you eat smoked fish in a dream - this is a symbol of what awaits you waiting for changes in your career. Perhaps you will have the opportunity to move up the career ladder, which will depend on influential people. If everything is right, you will get not only a better place, but also a salary increase. Another dream about eating smoked fish foreshadows the emergence of serious problems with the second half. You need to have patience and just wait out this period.

To see a fresh and large smoked fish in a dream means that in real life there will be a chance to improve your financial situation. A small or spoiled fish symbolizes the fact that you do not need to count on profit. If you self-smoke fish, then in a case that is considered a win-win, you still fail. To buy smoked fish in a dream, means, in reality you should prepare for troubles, the scale depends on fish. In a dream, you treat someone such a fish - this is a sign that you can defeat all enemies.

A dream in which the smoked fish turned rotten and it literally splits into pieces is a symbol of the fact that soon you can suddenly change your financial situation, it can be an inheritance or a lottery win. The bigger the fish, the bigger the amount.