Classes on a stationary bike for weight loss

Exercise bike is the main competitor of the treadmill in the struggle for weight loss. Paradoxically, it is these two simulators that give us a load, for which, in principle, simulators are not needed, enjoy the highest popularity. Questions: why not just run around in the morning or go to work on a bicycle (present) let them remain rhetorical.

Losing weight is exactly what the exercise bike offers, at least, for this reason, most people turn to this device. The exercise bike trains the hips, legs and lower abdomen, and also makes the ligaments more durable, and the joints - mobile. The obvious advantage of an exercise bike in front of a treadmill is that it is suitable for people with a weight that is much higher than normal. After all, running with obesity gives a disastrous load on the spine and joints, which does not do an exercise bike. But now it's not about that. Let's talk about the proper construction of classes on a stationary bike for weight loss.

Body position

There is a vertical and horizontal exercise bike. When practicing on the vertical, the back is more tired and invariably "hunch", especially if you are engaged for a long time. Horizontal simulator is much more useful for the back, besides, it effectively uses gluteal muscles.

Before training, you should adjust the height of the seat so that the hands easily reach the steering wheel, and legs reach the pedals.


Do not be surprised, but the pulse when exercising on a stationary bike is the most important factor for losing weight, because if your pulse is higher or lower than the required level, you can pedal for a long time and without success.

The maximum allowable heart rate for adults is 220 - your age. For example: 220 - 20 = 200 beats per minute. From this number will count down the necessary for losing weight.

The best pulse for losing weight is 65 - 75% of the maximum, that is, 120 - 140 beats, if your age is 20 years. If the pulse is 55 - 65%, you are engaged in therapeutic work: warm-up, hitching, therapeutic gymnastics . For work on endurance, you should increase the load to 80% of the maximum heart rate.

Banal rules

In order for the exercises on the stationary bike to really benefit, it is necessary to adhere to banal school physical culture rules:

The exercise bike can help you lose weight, but only on the condition that you do not run to the refrigerator immediately after class, and even exercising at home, you will observe all the rules of training rigorously.