Pancreatitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Inflammation of the pancreas, called pancreatitis, occurs with characteristic symptoms. The clinical picture is such that even the patient himself can recognize the pathology.

Symptoms of pancreatitis in adults

Inflammation begins because of constriction or blockage of the bile duct. As a result, juices and enzymes that must enter the small intestine do not leave the gland ducts. Accumulating, they release toxic substances that negatively affect the surrounding tissues, are absorbed into the bloodstream and carried throughout the body. That is why the clinical picture of pancreatitis resembles poisoning.

Symptomatic of acute pancreatitis in adults:

  1. Strong, agonizingly painful seizures, often lasting for several days. Depending on the course of the pathology can be blunt or sharp. Localization of painful sensations usually directly depends on the location of the inflamed area. When the entire gland is affected, a person complains of shingles.
  2. General deterioration of health is accompanied by jumps in blood pressure, an increase in temperature. Sometimes the temperature can reach impressive indications.
  3. Externally, you can see the sharpening of the facial features, the presence of an earthy shade of skin. In the initial stage of the attack, the skin turns pale.
  4. Attacks of nausea and vomiting are symptoms of acute pancreatitis in adults requiring immediate treatment. Vomiting is indomitable and almost does not bring relief to the patient. It can be noted that vomitive masses have a pronounced mustard yellow color due to the presence of bile.
  5. Often during the attacks, there is a belching or hiccough.
  6. Diarrhea and constipation can change each other. But with an acute form, diarrhea usually appears with the separation of liquid fetid stool with splashes of undigested food residues. At the initial inflammatory process constipation is more often present. In this case, the abdomen swells, and the muscles of the abdominal press become strained.
  7. Due to the loss of a large amount of moisture, dyspnea appears, a dense layer of yellow plaque appears on the tongue.
  8. With the sclerosing type, a characteristic sign of the pathology is the yellowness of the skin and eye sclera.

The acute type of the disease is rapidly progressing, so urgent assistance is needed.

Preparations for the treatment of pancreatitis in adults

Treatment of pathology is carried out using the following tools and methods:

If the complex of measures is ineffective, resort to surgical intervention - washing the abdominal cavity or removing tissues that have undergone a necrotic process.

In the chronic course of pancreatitis in adults, an important part of the treatment becomes a diet that does not allow the symptoms to manifest themselves "in all its glory." There is a rule of three "F" - down fried dishes, yolks of eggs, as well as fatty foods. It is necessary to treat endocrinological problems, such as cholelithiasis , diabetes, gastritis.

From pancreatitis in adults, you can use folk remedies. However, it is worth remembering that they should be taken under the supervision of a doctor and necessarily in conjunction with pharmacological drugs. The uncontrolled use of popular prescriptions can worsen the condition, provoke an exacerbation of a chronically flowing asymptomatic pathology.