How to thicken sour cream?

In this article, we will try to figure out how to thicken the sour cream, if it is still liquid and consider the top three basic recipes for the ideal filling for your dessert.

So, first of all, pay special attention to choosing directly sour cream. Its fat content should be at least 25%. However, in this case, not all achieve a good result. You can use the proven method: place sour cream on the gauze cut folded four times, tie its edges and hang over the container in the refrigerator, preferably overnight. This procedure will relieve the product of excess whey and make the cream thicker.

If there is no time for straining the sour cream, we offer absolutely no complicated ways to make the cream thick, using completely tricky tricks and ingredients.

How to thicken sour cream for cake gelatin?



In a thick sour cream gradually pour the sugar (you can powder), constantly whipping with a mixer. When you see that there are bubbles in the mass, add vanilla and again whisk again for another minute.

Before thickening the gelatin gel, you need to know how to properly add it!

Gelatine pour into a metal container, pour it with warm water, stir and set aside until it swells. Now put it on the stove for the minimum fire, and heat the gelatin until it is completely dissolved in water, without moving away from it, constantly stirring intensely.

Dissolved gelatin, cool to a warm state and after pour into a container with whipped sour cream. Mixer again turn on and, whipping combine gelatin with cream, thus making it lush and maximally uniform. Before using the cream, send it to the cold for a minimum of 1.5 hours.

How to thicken sour cream with starch?



Sour cream in a deep bowl and whisk the mixer for fifteen minutes (no less). Then in small portions pour the powder, add the essence or vanillin and whisk for another 5-7 minutes. Next, enter the starch, whip a little more and leave the mass for 35 minutes in the cold.

How to make sour cream for cake thick?

Thick sour cream can be made by adding a soft oil to the composition. In this case, the cream consistency, density and taste will change. For its preparation for 500 g of sour cream take about 100 g of soft butter. First, the butter is beaten with powder (the amount is determined solely from personal preferences) and only then add the sour cream.

Also, combining various dairy products can make a thick cream. Sour cream can be finished cream cheese, which is already an excellent basis for the cream, as well as cottage cheese, ground to a pasty consistency.

Thick cottage cheese cream sour cream



Cream cheese well rub with cottage cheese. In sour cream, pour the sugar with vanilla and whisk the mixer until the crystals dissolve. Add all the soft cheese-curd mass, switch the mixer to the maximum speed and bring the cream to splendor.

Due to cream cheese, the filling is incredibly airy and quite elastic. It is easy to work with and has an amazing delicate taste that perfectly matches any kind of cake.