What does the left eye scratch?

In the past, people were very observant. They found the patterns between different events, which formed the basis of numerous signs. Most superstitions are related to various changes in the body. Of particular importance are people's signs that explain why the left eye, ears, nose and other parts of the body are itching. Thanks to them, each person has the opportunity to learn some facts about the future. Note that in some cases, the itch has a perfectly understandable reason, for example, some disease, fatigue, etc. Therefore, signs can be used when all these grounds are excluded.

What does the left eye scratch?

Our ancestors believed that this sign promised tears and scandals. The reasons for superstition do not specify, therefore, in order, for example, to prevent a serious hysteria, you can go to the kitchen and cut the onions. Such an action will cause tears, which means that we can assume that the sign has been realized. There is also an easy ritual to avoid quarrels. Go to the window and draw with your fingertips over the eye in the direction from the outer corner to the inside. Do movements as if you are gathering something. Thus it is necessary to say such a conspiracy: "Sorinka, mote, out of the eye, I do not need a fight from the evil eye . "

There is another interpretation of the omens explaining why the left eye is itching. Such itching can be a harbinger of getting money. There is a mini-ritual that will help attract cash flow to yourself. To do this, scratch your left eye and immediately take this bill with any hand. Rub it and put it in the left pocket so that one of the corners peeps out. From time to time touch it and look with your left eye.

There is one more explanation of the folk omens, why the left eye is itching. According to him, itching means that somewhere near there is luck. To attract it, you need to scratch your eyes and then clap your hands in front of your face. For young mothers superstition is deciphered in its own way. Itching in the left eye is a warning that a child is in danger. To protect the baby from the negative, you need to properly ventilate the room, and the clothes and shoes that the child wore for a week, it is worth to wash. It is also recommended to take a bath yourself. Among the people, one more interpretation is common, why the left eye is itching. In some cases, itching promises the receipt of long-awaited news.

In England this superstition is interpreted in its own way. For the inhabitants of this country, the itch in this place is a clear sign of an approaching fun. There is also a folk sign explaining why it itchy eyes in a dream. In this case, in the near future you can wait for good news and welcome guests. The people also believed that if itching appeared on a day with a "p" in its name, then you can expect joyful events. If you scratch your eyes on Saturday, Monday or Friday - this is a bad sign, promising tears.

Other signs about the eyes

Our ancestors believed that the strength of man is concentrated in the eyes, that's why evil people can spoil the attitude and well-being of others by saying simple words "jinx". Especially it concerned the owners of brown eyes. In general, much about a person can tell the color of the eyes. For example, holders of green eyes are reliable and hardworking. Own impulsiveness is allocated to the owners of gray eyes. Still they are characterized by indifference. People with gray-brown eyes often show their contradictory nature.

To date, there is no official evidence that signs are in effect, therefore, everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether to believe in them or not. We can say one thing, that superstitions store in themselves the wisdom of many generations, and therefore they have the right to exist.